Region: Panama

Special prosecutor orders closure of websites selling counterfeit products

Thanks to the Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Intellectual Property and Computer Security, Panama has set a precedent regarding the country's position as to websites selling counterfeit and infringing products. Over the past months, the prosecutor has ordered that three websites be shut down for illegal activities.

23 June 2014

Over 100 foreign GIs and DOs now registered

Following the coming into force of a new legislation on denominations of origin and geographical indications, over 100 applications for foreign GIs and DOs were published in the <i>Official Bulletin</i> and subsequently registered. According to Law 61/2012, any natural or legal person may request the recognition of a group of producers, manufacturers or artisans, if their premises or sites of extraction are found inside the zone established by the GI or DO at issue.

19 September 2013

Draft bill on judicial management system approved

Draft Bill 308/2007 has been approved by the National Assembly of Panama. Under the bill, all judicial procedures will be processed online by means of a judicial management system in order to expedite judicial proceedings. The courts in charge of IP matters will be the first to apply the new system.

04 February 2008

Stricter sanctions for industrial property violations in force at last

The law modifying the Criminal and Judicial Codes, and Industrial Property Law 35 of 1996 has come into force. The Legislative Assembly amended the bill at the request of the president of Panama, who had found the original draft contrary to constitutional principles and the interests of the law.

05 March 2004

Bill linking Criminal Code and IP law goes back to the drawing board

The president of Panama has partially vetoed and refused to ratify a bill that was set to amend the Criminal Code and make the punishment for infringing intellectual property rights more severe. She found that it contained elements that were contrary to the interests of the law and constitutional principles, and should therefore be amended.

24 October 2003

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