Law: Patents Act 1970 (India)

India: High court jurisdiction questions set to reshape IP litigation

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

The Indian IP landscape is evolving rapidly, and recent developments are moulding litigation while also raising contentious issues. The jurisdiction of India’s high courts is in the spotlight, particularly when it comes to handling trademark rectification cases under the Trademarks Act. It is hoped that a more rigorous assessment of jurisdiction will discourage abusive filings. 

20 August 2024

Why the Time is Right for Tech Patent Pools in India

Featured in Inside India’s IP Market: a Guide 2024

Although India is not yet a major global player when it comes to patent pools, emerging technologies could be about to change this. The potential of patent pools to minimise licence duplication, patent blocking, the risk of infringement and the cost of licensing could be invaluable for rights holders in the tech space and would facilitate a surge in innovation.

21 March 2024

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