Organisation: PayPal

“Counterfeiters have no compunction about hurting or killing people”: exclusive interview with Gilead’s Gretchen Stroud

WTR spoke to Gilead's Gretchen Stroud about the fight against fake drugs being sold on social media, the trademark challenges that arise when drugs go off-patent, and much more.

24 October 2018

PIPCU and IACC respond to concern over “shadowy” RogueBlock anti-counterfeiting collaboration

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has voiced concern over a collaboration between the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC) and the UK’s Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) to take down websites selling counterfeits through the RogueBlock programme. In separate responses to <i>World Trademark Review</i>, PIPCU and the IACC have expanded on the parameters of the collaboration.

06 April 2017

Revving up your reputation

In the new social media landscape, corporations are more susceptible than ever to external attacks. What can brand managers do to avoid long-term reputational damage and restore value quickly in the event of a crisis?

01 November 2016

Four firms and a funeral service: the battle over the ‘Norton Rose Fulbright’ brand in China

International law firm Norton Rose Fulbright is in an ongoing legal battle in China against an entity that is specialising in IP services while using the ‘Norton Rose Fulbright’ name. This same organisation also appears to have registered domain names and trademarks of at least three other law firms and, even more curiously, plans to offer a Norton Rose Fulbright-branded funeral service sometime in the future.

26 January 2016

FTC issues guidance on native advertising, but enforcement actions will tell the real story

The Federal Trade Commission has issued an enforcement policy statement clarifying its approach to deceptively formatted advertisements. The long-awaited guidance on native advertising is welcome, although it remains to be seen just how impactful it will be in practice.

08 January 2016

Why the debate over native advertising matters to trademark counsel

New research reveals that a majority of consumers have difficulty telling paid from unpaid content in the native advertising environment. For trademark counsel – particularly those involved in advertising clearance activities – the ongoing debate over consumer deception is one to follow.

29 September 2015

As Instagram steps up brand engagement, trademark counsel should pay heed

While still developing its paid ad offering with a select group of companies, Instagram has called for more brands to take to the social media site and engage with its audience. To date, Instagram hasn’t received the same level of trademark policing attention as other social media sites, but it is one that should at least be on the radar of counsel.

15 January 2015

Apple named ‘the most-phished brand’ as scam levels rise

On Monday ICANN itself issued a warning about phishing scams using its branding and logo, and the organisation is not alone in this plight - the latest research from the Anti-Phishing Working Group has revealed rising levels of phishing attacks across the first half of 2014, with Apple identified as the brand most frequently targeted by scammers.

30 September 2014

Why the rise of Bitcoin matters to trademark counsel

The prediction that digital currency Bitcoin could overtake PayPal in terms of US dollar transactions in the next year may generate more headlines in the financial press than in IP-focused media, but there are some important implications for trademark counsel to consider.

27 May 2014

Trademark protection proposals could benefit more brands

Melbourne IT has published an updated version of its proposals on defensive registrations in new gTLDs, which would make it easier for trademarks to qualify for additional protection. However, buy-in from the ICANN community remains a challenge to be overcome.

15 November 2012

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