Organisation: PayPal

Battle over ICANN’s Trademark Clearinghouse proposals heats up

<i>WTR</i> previously reported on the community discussion paper launched by Melbourne IT, calling for greater protection for those brands most at risk of cybersquatting at the second level of new gTLDs. Following last week's discussion of the paper in Washington DC, debate over the Trademark Clearinghouse has heated up - but will ICANN bow to pressure over proposals it has developed through its multi-stakeholder decision-making process?

26 September 2012

Call for engagement on new second-level gTLD protection proposals (updated)

A new community discussion paper, launched today by Melbourne IT, is calling for greater protection for those brands most at risk of cybersquatting at the second level of new gTLDs. The organisation is now seeking community feedback on the proposals, which it aims to present at the next ICANN meeting.

16 August 2012

IPEC outlines anti-piracy successes while legislation stalemate continues

Victoria Espinel, US IP enforcement coordinator, has issued the 2011 Annual Report on Intellectual Property Enforcement. While progress is clearly being made in the fight against counterfeiting, stalled legislation to combat online piracy remains on the agenda.

02 April 2012

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