Organisation: Pernod Ricard

What have we learned from India's biggest cases of 2023?

Local lawyers examine India's 10 most notable trademark cases from the past year.

18 January 2024

‘Oh deer!’ moment for defendant as Pernod Ricard gets exclusivity over STAG mark

The Delhi High Court found that AB Sugars’ use of the mark INDIAN STAG for alcoholic beverages infringed Pernod Ricard’s rights in the mark ROYAL STAG. 

14 December 2023

Cuba trademark legislation passes in US House; EU-Canada platforms collaboration – legislation and policy watch (December 2023)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

07 December 2023

US lawmakers seek to end HAVANA CLUB dispute; draft EU SEP regulation addresses financing of mooted EUIPO activities – legislation and policy watch (April 2023)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

12 April 2023

Collaboration, non-traditional marks, cross-platform transactions – takeaways from Brand Strategy China

Speakers from brands including Alibaba, Douyin, Pernod-Ricard, Starbucks and Richemont offer their insights at WTR Connect: Brand Strategy China.

20 December 2022

Decades-long Havana Club dispute enters next phase as Bacardi launches new legal action

Bacardi launched legal action against the USPTO last week, asking the court to set aside an earlier decision and declare that Cubaexport’s HAVANA CLUB US trademark registration expired in 2006.

04 January 2022

Onto the balance sheet: the most valuable brand acquisitions since 2000

Featured in Special Report 2021 Q3: Managing the brand balance sheet

Christof Binder, managing partner of Trademark Comparables AG, Markables, runs through the 50 most expensive brands and brand portfolios acquired over the past two decades, and the trends that they reveal.

30 September 2021

“Severe marketing restrictions are catastrophic”: study reveals potential damage of marketing restrictions on leading brands

A major new study from Brand Finance has estimated that a global imposition of marketing restrictions across the alcohol, confectionery, savoury snacks and sugary drinks industries could result in a $521 billion loss to businesses.

29 June 2021

If it looks like a whisky, then it must be a whisky

This judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa should reassure traders in the alcoholic beverages market of the strong protection afforded to them in instances of flagrant unlawful competition.

27 November 2020

“Governments should regulate, not obliterate, brands” – plain packaging could cause $430 billion loss for beverage industry

Research estimates that the extension of plain packaging to alcohol and sugary drinks would result in a massive loss for the global beverage industry.

01 October 2019

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