Region: Peru

Crimes against intellectual property to be included in organised crime legislation

The move constitutes an important advancement in IP enforcement, as IP crimes are linked to other types of organised crime.

09 November 2023

Major crackdown on informal vendors of adidas football jerseys

The authorities have recently carried out several actions against street vendors of fake adidas jerseys, with one taking place outside the National Stadium only a few hours before the beginning of a FIFA World Cup qualifier match.

28 September 2023

Application for CASA SUIZA rejected for being misleading and causing confusion with GI 

As Switzerland is famous for its chocolate and the mark was intended to cover cocoa products, consumers could be misled into believing that the goods were of Swiss origin. 

02 August 2023

Huge enforcement action carried out against wholesaler of counterfeit luxury goods targeting celebrities

This action is remarkable in that the infringer provided counterfeit goods to well-known individuals in the Peruvian showbusiness, using private WhatsApp groups.

25 July 2023

Nintendo’s IP rights successfully enforced against live entertainment shows

Nintendo of America Inc has obtained the cancellation of live shows that infringed its IP rights in characters and trademarks related to Super Mario.

10 July 2023

Successful enforcement of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s trademark rights results in imposition of maximum monetary fine

The case demonstrates how defendants may seek to use certain tactics for the sole purpose of delaying legitimate actions. 

03 July 2023

INDECOPI approves 25% reduction in official registration fees for small businesses

To benefit from the reduction, the applicants must own a valid registration or re-registration certificate in the Register of Micro and Small Enterprises. 

27 June 2023

“The future of Indecopi is promising” – new era at Peru IP office as government revamps leadership

After a turbulent few months, Peru’s Indecopi has a new president, its previous head having been ousted after a controversial government investigation.

03 April 2023

Peruvian Trademark Office recognises several trademarks as well known

This update highlights recent cases in which the Trademark Office recognised the notoriety of various trademarks, and the impact that such recognition has had.

23 March 2023

Swift enforcement action against importer and distributor of counterfeit luxury goods sends strong message to infringers

This action sends a powerful signal to infringers in the luxury sector that the IP police possesses the means to carry out quick actions nationwide.

03 March 2023

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