Organisation: Pfizer

Portfolio streamlining: The Pfizer way

With budgetary constraints still a reality for many trademark teams, the manager of Pfizer’s IP Global Services has provided an insight into how one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies handles a portfolio of 65,000 international trademarks.

16 April 2012

General Court forces Viaguara SA to swallow bitter pill

In <i>Viaguara SA v OHIM</i>, the General Court has rejected an appeal against the First Board of Appeal’s decision to refuse a CTM application for a mark deemed too close to VIAGRA. The court held that the board was correct to decide that Viaguara SA's use of VIAGUARA would exploit, without any financial compensation, the power of attraction, reputation and prestige of the VIAGRA mark by using the marketing investment of Pfizer to promote its own goods.

09 February 2012

Apple’s iPad problems in China: the tip of the iceberg for Western companies?

Apple’s recent travails in China over its IPAD trademark have generated numerous headlines across the globe. However, missing in much of the analysis is practical advice on how others can avoid a similar situation occurring. As one commentator notes, the Apple example is merely the tip of the iceberg.

15 December 2011

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