Region: Poland

Survey as evidence in trademark proceedings

The CP12 Common Practice on evidence in trademark appeal proceedings recently became binding in Poland. Here is all you need to know about its impact on the trademark space.

12 August 2021


Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2021/2022

Poland’s legal regime of national trademark rights is regulated mainly by the Industrial Property Law (30 June 2000).

29 July 2021

Polish Supreme Court provides much-needed clarity on trademark limitation period in Audi infringement case

After years of contradictory decisions, a recent Supreme Court ruling in a case involving Audi could signal a new turn in the protection of trademarks and the trademark limitation period.

22 July 2021

Analysing the first year of the Polish IP courts

A year since the Polish IP courts first opened, the district courts of Gdańsk, Katowice, Lublin, Poznań and Warsaw have provided data on the types of case that are being brought before them.

15 July 2021

Have you got your EORI number? New requirement for trademark owners interested in customs applications for action

Many rights holders will already have an individual registration and identification (EORI) number, but may not know what it is. It is crucial to find out, as the parameters surrounding customs applications in the European Union have shifted.

10 June 2021

Polish Patent Office introduces fast-track procedure for trademark and design registration

Many rights holders have questioned whether it is worth filing an application for a design or a trademark in Poland because the registration proceedings seem too long. Fortunately, the Polish Patent Office has introduced a fast-track procedure to help with this.

01 April 2021

New regulations could stamp out defensive trademarks and bad-faith refiling

New regulations to the Industrial Property Law shed light on the common practice of filing defensive trademarks. The concept of ‘bad faith’ is undefined in Polish trademark law, so courts often look to EU jurisprudence for guidance, although their approach has often been liberal.

01 October 2020

How WIPO PROOF can be a useful tool for trademark owners

Copyright can be difficult to prove in Poland, as there is no copyright register. The new WIPO PROOF service may come in handy for applicants looking to register their mark in Poland, as it provides tamper-proof evidence of the existence of a work.

23 July 2020

Poland introduces specialised IP courts and new types of court action

A new act amending the Civil Procedure Code and other relevant acts entered into force in Poland on 1 July 2020, introducing specialised IP courts as well as new types of IP-related court action.

15 July 2020

New specialised IP courts in Poland should make EU and domestic case law consistent

Five specialised IP courts open this month but question marks remain over staffing and training.

08 July 2020

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