Organisation: Scotch Whisky Association

Brazil grants Scotch whisky GI; Ukraine pledges development of IP mediation – IP office updates

In this latest update, the WIPO Design Law Treaty comments deadline looms, Chile expands its deadlines for Biobío applicants, and much more.

19 June 2024

Scotch Whisky GI infringement case clarifies independent rights of registered owners following Madhya Pradesh High Court ruling

The Scotch Whisky Association has filed an infringement suit that sheds light on the interaction between registered owners and authorised users of geographical indications when it comes to the right to sue in India.

15 February 2024

Protected food names are in demand: what do producers need to know?

Clear guidance on the value of protected food and drink name status is vital to ensure businesses have the right amount of protection and are prepared to use it when needed, argues this week’s Saturday opinion.

13 January 2024

Scotch Whisky gains certification mark in Hong Kong

This is good news for whisky brand owners, as the certification will enable easier enforcement.

19 September 2023

Award-winning in-housers answer four simple questions

Department heads at some of the world’s biggest brands reveal what it takes to build a winning IP strategy.

31 August 2023

Protecting the spirit of Scotland: reflecting on a busy year for the Scotch Whisky Association

The Scotch Whisky Association’s Lindesay Low speaks to WTR about the challenges of avoiding genericism in multiple markets around the world.

01 August 2023

Everything you need to know about trademarks in India in 2021

Last year was an exciting one for trademarks in India, with the abolition of the IP Appellate Board signalling a sea change in how trademarks are treated. Shailendra Bhandare and Sourav Dan of Khaitan & Co give their on-the-ground take of a significant 12 months.

27 January 2022

Brexit worries allay as Scotch Whisky Association toasts another successful year

For the second year in a row, the Scotch Whisky Association has prevailed as WTR’s Not-for-Profit Organisation Team of the Year. Deputy director of legal affairs Lindesay Low discusses the strategy behind the group’s multiple successes over the past 12 months.

29 December 2020

If it looks like a whisky, then it must be a whisky

This judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa should reassure traders in the alcoholic beverages market of the strong protection afforded to them in instances of flagrant unlawful competition.

27 November 2020

Navigating geographical indications in the European Union

While European IP practice has begun to actively recognise and protect geographical indications, they are still treated with trepidation in the IP world.

06 April 2020

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