Court: Sixth Circuit

Sixth Circuit sheds light on degree of similarity necessary for competing marks

A recent dispute between two competing children’s clothing companies has shed light on how similar trademarks must be for infringement claims to proceed.

02 November 2023

Sixth Circuit defines criteria for assessing profits awards in restaurant dispute

In analysing a profits award, the Sixth Circuit held that several key factors should be considered, such as the defendant’s intent to deceive, whether sales were diverted and palming off, among many others. In light of such criteria, it upheld the district court’s award of profits, costs and attorneys’ fees.

31 August 2023

On the road again: alternative designs may impact trade dress functionality analysis

The Sixth Circuit reversed and remanded the district court’s grant of summary judgment, finding that the existence of alternative designs was relevant to the functionality determination.

09 June 2023

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