Region: Spain

Supreme Court confirms commercialisation of products incorporating applied plastic creations without authorisation may constitute IP crime under Criminal Code 

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has re-established the validity of a first-instance judgment that held the unauthorised commercialisation of registered artistic prints on third-party handbags constituted IP infringement under the Criminal Code.

10 July 2024

SPTO appoints new director; USPTO reopens AI public consultation; Ukraine pledges Baltic IP cooperation – IP office updates

In this latest update, we look at the IP heads of Japan and Saudi Arabia meeting, the EUIPO revamping its new website, and much more.

12 June 2024

Manchester United regains global trademark crown, as Mbappé, Bellingham and Haaland expand brand portfolios

Manchester United owns the biggest trademark portfolio in world football, followed by league rival Tottenham Hotspur and Spanish giant FC Barcelona, new research from WTR reveals.

21 May 2024

NUTRIBEN marks granted enhanced protection in BIONUBEN dispute

In this dispute between rival producers of infant food, the court found that the sign BIONUBEN generated a link with the NUTRIBEN mark - that is, it evoked the mark or reminded the public of it. 

03 May 2024

Central Court of Instruction of National Court rules on admissibility of expert report on damages suffered by trademark owners

The court ruled that an expert report on the value of the seized goods and the economic damage suffered must be provided as part of the investigation of the case.

18 April 2024

BMW reflects on first-of-its-kind Amazon win against counterfeiters in Spain

BMW Group’s head of trademarks reveals what other brand owners can do to leverage Amazon’s reach in their anti-counterfeiting efforts.

27 February 2024

Specialist chapter: Crucial Considerations for Brand Owners Contemplating Legal Action in Spain

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

Initiating legal action in Spain, or any other jurisdiction, is a significant step for brand owners. Before taking such action, it is crucial to consider various factors and ask some key questions to ensure that the legal process aligns with your brand protection and enforcement goals.

13 February 2024

The EVENTUM case: infringement of trademark owned by company in liquidation and legal standing of one of its partners

The case involved a dispute between former partners in a company in liquidation, who started new businesses providing the same services following the dissolution of the company.

24 January 2024

Brand protection at the Spanish border: insights and strategies from the front line 

Featured in Border and customs protection around the world

In our ongoing series, our focus shifts to Spain, delving into the intricacies of brand protection challenges and optimal solutions at the nation's borders and entry points.

08 December 2023

Spain: Alicante Commercial Court Takes Issue with Online ‘Hidden’ Trademark Use

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

Until recently, online hidden use of a competitor’s trademark was analysed in relation to the use of keywords within Google AdWords. However, a fresh ruling has disturbed this consensus by highlighting that the use of a competitor’s trademark in a non-apparent way may also constitute infringement or amount to unfair competition.

24 November 2023

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