Organisation: Starbucks

Trademark ‘tacking’ – a refresher course on the brand refresh in light of Bertini v Apple

In this guest analysis, Daniel H Shulman and Krishna Akarapu, members of the Vedder Price IP group, revisit the tension between US trademark law and the classic brand refresh, in light of the US Federal Circuit's instructive decision in Bertini v Apple. 

20 April 2023

Koo: brand protection on one of the world’s fastest-growing social networks

WTR speaks with Koo’s head of legal & policy about what trademark practitioners need to know about protecting their brands on the platform.

06 April 2023

Branching out and rebranding – how Coca-Cola is keeping fresh

Less than a quarter of trademark applications that Coca-Cola filed across major registers between 2018 and 2022 were for soft drinks, according to CompuMark data. 

27 March 2023

Brand Tracker: September-December 2022

Featured in Brand trademark tracker

Industry-leading brands saw an uptick in trademark filings in the final four months of 2022, WTR data analysis reveals, with notable increases at Nokia, Disney and Ford.

01 March 2023

Brand market crash: industry giants suffer major declines as Amazon ranked world’s most valuable brand

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and are among some of the biggest names to have seen their brand value decline this year, Brand Finance’s annual Global 500 report reveals.

18 January 2023

Collaboration, non-traditional marks, cross-platform transactions – takeaways from Brand Strategy China

Speakers from brands including Alibaba, Douyin, Pernod-Ricard, Starbucks and Richemont offer their insights at WTR Connect: Brand Strategy China.

20 December 2022

Brand Tracker: May-August 2022

Featured in Brand trademark tracker

Over half of the world’s leading brands are making Chinese registrations their number one priority, with an increasing focus on Class 9 goods, according to the latest WTR Brand Tracker.

31 October 2022

UPS law firm diversity scheme winners revealed as corporate DEI programmes push on despite challenges

Despite some bumps in the road, the momentum behind corporate schemes to drive DEI in the law firm sector are clearly gathering momentum.

08 October 2022

Do Venezuelan entrepreneurs know the commercial value of their intangibles?

Due to the situation faced by entrepreneurs in Venezuela with respect to intangible assets, it is crucial to consider the management of IP rights as an investment, and not as an expense.

27 September 2022

Unprecedented flood of infringement: study reveals hundreds of opportunistic filings in Russia as foreign brands targeted

A major new study has identified nearly 500 trademark applications filed in Russia that are identical or similar to famous foreign brands.

24 August 2022

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