Region: Sweden

Trademark procedures and strategies: Sweden

Featured in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2020/2021

Establishment through use of a mark will give the same protection as if the mark is registered; however, the bar is set high for demonstrating establishment through use.

17 March 2020


In a victory for international outdoors clothing company Timberland, the Patent and Market Court has found that there was a likelihood of confusion between the mark TIMBERZ and the earlier mark TIMBERLAND for clothing.

11 February 2020

Patent and Market Court confirms likelihood of confusion between JOHN WHITE and JTI's JOHN SILVER for cigarettes

The Swedish Patent and Market Court has upheld a decision of the Patent and Registration Office finding that there was a likelihood of confusion between Diamond Quest’s JOHN WHITE mark and JTI’s earlier JOHN SILVER marks for cigarettes.

07 November 2019

Procedures and strategies for pharmaceutical brands: Sweden

Featured in Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021

Unlike the EU Intellectual Property Office, the Swedish Patent and Registration Office will examine applications on both absolute and relative grounds.

23 September 2019

HALLOUMI - a cheesy trademark dilemma

Two opposition procedures filed by the Foundation for the Protection of the Traditional Cheese of Cyprus, which owns the collective mark HALLOUMI, have had different outcomes before the Swedish Patent and Trademark Office. 

07 June 2019

Is Sweden aligning itself with EU approach to black-and-white trademarks?

Sweden is one of the few European countries where a black-and-white mark is regarded as covering all colours. However, in a recent case involving two figurative marks, the Patent and Market Court has held that the scope of protection of the earlier mark was limited to its black-and-white representation.

18 February 2019

Super Bowl fakes crackdown, Burger King trolls McDonald’s trademark loss, and Monaco joins TMview: news digest

In our latest round-up, we look at how Africa lacks anti-counterfeiting tools, how a growing proportion of companies are affected by infringement, Bulgaria bolstering its digital trademark offering, and much more.

01 February 2019

Sweden allows hologram marks, plain packaging design gets thumbs up, and Dyson fakes seized: news digest

In our latest news digest, we look at the US Supreme Court confirming that it will rule on scandalous trademarks, a retailer called Pooey Puitton going up against Louis Vuitton, IP Australia joining TMclass, and much more.

08 January 2019

An anniversary, a reshuffle and an EU directive: evolution and change in Sweden

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the relocation of the design and trademark department, the Swedish Patent and Registration Office looks back on a busy year.

19 December 2018

Sweden aligns Trademarks Act with EU regulations

The Riksdag has voted in favour of modernising the Swedish Trademarks Act, basing amendments on EU trademark laws. The changes cover many aspects of trademark legislation from presenting a mark, filing dates and counterfeit goods to requirements on genuine use of a mark.

13 December 2018

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