Industry: Technology

Record UDRP filings; ICANN reveals registrant data request levels: Domain Watch (February 2024)

Our monthly column covers recent developments in internet policy, governance and use.

19 February 2024

Four out of five influencers do not disclose advertising content

Around 80% of EU influencers do not routinely disclose that content is paid for, creating risks for brands that partner with them.

16 February 2024

‘’ dispute: living on the edge of bad faith

While several elements of this case meant that it initially appeared winnable for the complainant, the panel concluded that bad-faith registration on the respondent’s part had not been proven.

09 February 2024

UK government sets aside plan for AI and copyright code of practice

After eight months of talks, industry leaders in the United Kingdom’s tech, media and creative industries have been unable to agree on a voluntary code of practice for AI developers.

07 February 2024

Court of Appeal confirms Samsung's liability for offering third-party infringing apps on its app store

It is unlikely that intermediary service providers who are actively involved in testing, reviewing and controlling the products offered on their platforms will be able to rely on the Article 14 defence.

02 February 2024

USTR Notorious Markets List reveals notable absences

AliExpress has been dropped from the USTR Notorious Markets List this year, but social media platforms remain glaringly absent.

31 January 2024

Winning strategies for resolving domain name disputes in China

The rapidly evolving and competitive nature of the Internet carries a high risk of infringement. For rights holders of domain names in China, it is vital to understand the different dispute resolution methods in order to effectively protect their assets.

25 January 2024

Low-cost filing platforms

Featured in WTR and IAM Special Report Q4 2023: IP Disruptors 2024: The companies and people driving change and upending IP norms

25 January 2024


Featured in WTR and IAM Special Report Q4 2023: IP Disruptors 2024: The companies and people driving change and upending IP norms

25 January 2024

Elon Musk

Featured in WTR and IAM Special Report Q4 2023: IP Disruptors 2024: The companies and people driving change and upending IP norms

25 January 2024

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