Organisation: Tesla

NFT trademark applications drop, but OpenSea remains infringement minefield

As metaverse and NFT-related trademarks see a significant drop in recent months, WTR takes a look at the ongoing issue of unauthorised brand use on NFT marketplace OpenSea.

24 May 2023

Koo: brand protection on one of the world’s fastest-growing social networks

WTR speaks with Koo’s head of legal & policy about what trademark practitioners need to know about protecting their brands on the platform.

06 April 2023

Meta takes different approach to Twitter on blue checkmarks: what brands need to know

While Twitter’s chaotic blue checkmark rollout comes under scrutiny, Meta has launched a verification programme that takes a different approach.  

03 April 2023

Most valuable brands’ law firm networks: revealed

We reveal the law firms filing the highest number of trademarks and patents for the world’s 10 most valuable brands.

23 March 2023

Chinese firms behind a fifth of filings by world’s most valuable brands

Chinese representatives are filing almost a fifth of all trademarks for the world’s most valuable brands, according to WTR data analysis, but a drop in filings could lead to reduced partnership opportunities.

23 March 2023

India’s trademark office threatens to abandon nearly 190,000 applications, brands urged to review lists 

Initiative is welcomed by the community, although some applications are reportedly erroneously included.

13 February 2023

Perception is powerful but authenticity is paramount when it comes to brand sustainability

Amazon, Tesla, Apple and Google lead sustainability brand value rankings but failure to be authentic could land a significant financial blow on companies around the globe, argues our Saturday opinion.

28 January 2023

Brand market crash: industry giants suffer major declines as Amazon ranked world’s most valuable brand

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and are among some of the biggest names to have seen their brand value decline this year, Brand Finance’s annual Global 500 report reveals.

18 January 2023

Elon Musk v Twitter is a reminder that all brands must prepare for being targeted by passionate fan bases

The high profile legal dispute is a reminder that all brands must prepare for the fallout of being targeted by a person with a massive fan base that will passionately defend their idol.

06 August 2022

Brands and politics: what the corporate world’s muted response to gun control means

Muted brand responses to recent mass shootings in the US offer a genuine test of whether companies can stay out of the debate at a time when consumers demand that they take a stance.

11 June 2022

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