Region: Thailand

Trademark Board decisions can be overruled, says Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of Thailand has ruled that a final decision of the Trademark Board, issued under Section 18 of the Trademark Act, can be overruled by the courts. In so doing, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court's decision to overturn the Trademark Board's refusal to register Swiss food giant Nestlé's TRUSTY trademark for pet food.

14 May 2003

Draft declarations issued on distinctiveness and classification

The Thai Department of Intellectual Property has released two draft declarations, which are expected to come into force in May, revising the criteria for establishing acquired distinctiveness and highlighting changes in procedure necessary for Thailand to adopt the Nice Classification.

14 April 2003

New geographical indications regulations issued

The Department of Intellectual Property has issued regulations, under the new Geographical Indications Law, governing applications to register the use of geographical indicators. The regulations essentially follow the provisions set out in TRIPs and clarify administrative and procedural issues.

19 February 2003

Senate passes geographical indications law

The Senate has approved the Department of Intellectual Property's Geographical Indications Bill. The new law will considerably improve the protection of Thai geographical indications and help fulfill the country's obligations under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.

07 February 2003

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