The state of the trademark industry: take a few minutes to have your say
WTR has once more launched its annual Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey, designed to give trademark practitioners the opportunity to share their opinion on the industry and predictions for the future. The short survey, which will take less than 10 minutes to complete, is anonymous and free to enter.
The long-running survey has been tracking the trends of trademark practice for over a decade. In last year’s edition, we revealed how the trademark industry was adapting to the pandemic, rising inflation and Web3. One year on, then, we are asking the trademark community to have their say on the current state of the industry. All information is crucial to ensure WTR can accurately track and share the opportunities and threats that are impacting trademark practitioners.
Participating in the survey is anonymous, and any views that you supply will be used only to build up a general picture of the state of the market (your responses may therefore be used anonymously in editorial, but will not be attributed to you, and your information will not be used for any commercial purpose). Completion of the survey should take no more than 10 minutes, with optional opportunities to share comments. The results will be presented in an upcoming WTR Special Report.
The survey form can be accessed here.