Organisation: Thomson Reuters

As one of the world’s largest IP service providers mulls $2.5 billion sale, Asian buyers will see a huge opportunity

The owner of CPA Global – one of the world’s largest providers of non-legal IP and trademark services – is exploring a possible sale or floatation of the business, according to media reports this weekend. If recent moves in the IP services market are anything to go by, we can expect Asian investors to be among the most interested parties on the buy-side.

03 April 2017

Developing an approach to #trademarks

While France accounts for 87% of hashtag removal requests worldwide, the interplay between brands and hashtags is increasingly international – making it crucial to understand how they are treated in the European Union and the United States

01 January 2017

Changing the game: the emerging business models shaping the trademark industry

In an age of tightened client purse strings and rapidly developing technology, the IP legal landscape is on the brink of an innovation revolution. While traditional business and pricing structures still prevail, many new models are shaking up the market – and some of them could represent the future of the industry

01 November 2016

Key trademark service providers are Asia-bound with completion of $3.5 billion Thomson Reuters deal

Thomson Reuters’ $3.55 billion sale of its IP business to Baring Private Equity Asia and Onex Corporation completed this week in a deal that highlights the growing demand for trademark strategy services in the region.

05 October 2016

The rise of German boutiques and what it says about contemporary clients' needs

For this week’s blog from the <i>WTR 1000</i> research team, having observed the rapid rise of boutique firms in Germany, we thought it would be insightful to look at what exactly it is that such firms can boast over their full-service counterparts – and to what extent those boasts hold true.

01 July 2016

Made to measure?

A key question that this year’s non-legal trademark services survey sought to answer is whether, in addition to value for money, users are receiving the tailored services they require

05 January 2015

The Chinese brands leading the international expansion charge

A new report has identified the Chinese companies that are leading the charge for international domination. Don’t be surprised if these companies already boast tomorrow’s international trademark leaders amongst their ranks.

12 May 2014

The wave of IP services acquisitions keeps on rolling

CPA Global has announced the acquisition of Nordic IP services provider Patrafee AB. Last year brought a flurry of buy-outs in the IP services sector and <i>WTR</i> understands that CPA Global is looking at other acquisition opportunities. A natural question for users to ask is whether a further wave of acquisitions will follow in the sector, and what impact this would have for trademark counsel.

22 January 2014

Calculators at the ready? Donuts' gTLDs DPML launches, likely costs emerge

Last week <i>WTR</i> reported on Donuts’ plans to operate a Domain Protected Marks List (DPML) in the new gTLD strings it runs. The largest investor applicant in new gTLDs, having initially bid for 307 strings, the company has now officially launched its offering, which is designed to enable mark owners to block trademarks across multiple strings for one fee.

25 September 2013

Trademark experience matters – but clients need to know

A new study demonstrates that trademark applicants who hire experienced counsel have a much greater chance of having their mark approved by the USPTO than less experienced filers who don't hire an attorney. While the findings will be welcomed by trademark counsel, the key will be ensuring that the people that matter know about it – potential clients.

15 April 2013

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