Organisation: Toyota

Microsoft could boost brand value by billions through improved ESG marketing, Brand Finance estimates

Brand Finance has released its 2024 Sustainability Perceptions Index, which estimates how much of a brand’s total brand value can be attributed to positive ESG perceptions.

05 March 2024

WTR Brand Elite analysis: January 2024

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite indices closed out January at its highest level since we started tracking the data in January 2018. A number of companies also hit six-year highs, including some big hitters in the technology space.

26 February 2024

WTR Brand Elite analysis: December 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

Stock prices bounced back in 2023, with our WTR Brand Elite indices rising 15 points across the year. Tech companies were instrumental in driving growth.

05 February 2024

WeChat reputation triumphs against tough economic conditions

The popular messaging service has been crowned the world’s strongest brand despite a drop in value this year, as Chinese brands come to dominate the top of the rankings.

19 January 2024

Apple smashes records to exceed half a trillion dollars in brand value

After an incredible 74% increase in value, Apple has reclaimed its title as the world’s most valuable brand.

17 January 2024

WTR Brand Elite analysis: October 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite fell two points in October, hitting its lowest value this year. Yet technology companies – led by Microsoft – bucked the negative trend.

17 November 2023

Brand enforcement in the ‘.ai’ domain space needs to be a priority

New research finds major brands exposed in the ‘.ai’ TLD space, meaning that it needs to be at the top of the domain monitoring list – before it’s too late.

11 November 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: September 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite fell seven points in September, hitting its lowest value since 1 January 2023. However, the brands that experienced the biggest drop in value have reason to remain optimistic.

30 October 2023

WTR Brand Elite analysis: August 2023

Featured in Stock market performance

The WTR Brand Elite dipped two points in August, mirroring minor falls across major stock markets. However, Dell Technologies bucked the general trend. 

25 September 2023

Bluesky Social: what brand protection professionals need to know about Twitter rival

WTR takes a look at the current brand protection ecosystem on the Bluesky Social platform, with our research identifying active impersonation accounts related to major brands. 

25 August 2023

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