Law: Trademark Act 1959 (Japan)

JPO finds no likelihood of confusion between KOKO and COCO

The JPO concluded that the marks were sufficiently distinguishable from a conceptual and visual point of view, regardless of the similarity of the services.

30 April 2024

Producer of Moët & Chandon champagne victorious in CLUB MOET dispute

The JPO found that both ‘Moët & Chandon’ and its abbreviation ‘Moët’ have gained significant recognition as a leading champagne brand distributed by MHCS.

23 April 2024

Legal Updates you may have missed: fashion and luxury fails 

We continue our series highlighting recent Legal Updates that you may have missed by looking at cases where trademark owners in the fashion and luxury industry have failed to defend their rights. 

18 April 2024

Rimowa unsuccessful in opposition against Japanese-character mark 

The JPO found that a mark corresponding to the Japanese transliteration of RIMOWA was dissimilar to luggage manufacturer Rimowa GmbH’s earlier mark RIMOWA ELECTRONIC TAG, covering the same classes. 

17 April 2024

 Calvin Klein unsuccessful in CAILIN KAILUN opposition

While the JPO recognised that CALVIN KLEIN was well known as a source indicator in relation to clothing, it concluded that the marks at issue were visually, phonetically and conceptually dissimilar.

20 March 2024

Yves Saint Laurent unsuccessful in opposition against ‘USL’ monogram

The JPO found that there was no likelihood of confusion between the ‘USL’ monogram and the famous ‘YSL’ monogram, even though both marks covered Class 25 goods.

13 March 2024

Château Mouton Rothschild owner successfully invalidates MOUTON in Classes 35 and 43

The JPO notably found that the term ‘Mouton’ had acquired a substantial degree of reputation among relevant consumers and traders as indicating the world-famous wine Château Mouton Rothschild and its abbreviation.

04 March 2024

Louis Vuitton Malletier loses trademark dispute over ‘LV’ monogram

The JPO found that there was no likelihood of confusion between Louis Vuitton Malletier’s famous ‘LV’ monogram and a figurative mark including a monogram-like device in Classes 18 and 25.

26 February 2024

New Balance unsuccessful in opposition against NYAN BALANCE

Surprisingly, the JPO did not find that NEW BALANCE had a high degree of reputation as a source indicator of New Balance’s products.

20 February 2024

Hummel successfully appeals against rejection of chevron position mark

The JPO Appeal Board concluded that the relevant consumers would recognise the position marks, which consisted of a chevron pattern applied to jackets and trousers, as a source indicator.

14 February 2024

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