Trademark-related quotes, opinions and observations from around the globe
“Since the Philips/Nokia ruling (C‑446 and
495/09) in 2011, under EU law European
Customs can check counterfeit goods
transiting through the EU but can only
stop them if there is a risk of these goods
entering into the Single Market. This means
in practice that customs are powerless
against counterfeit goods on route to a third
country, and must let them go, at the risk
of these goods being illegally diverted back
into the EU. The new provisions adopted
today will allow Customs to stop trademark
counterfeit goods even if destined to a
country outside the EU, and will not affect
the trade of legitimate goods under the EU’s
WTO international obligations. Likewise,
these provisions ensure that genuine
generic medicines will reach their final
destination. With this vote, the European
Parliament signals that it is serious about
stopping trademark counterfeits to protect
consumers everywhere and that the EU
should show leadership in the global fight
against counterfeiting.”
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