Organisation: Twitter

The rise of Pinterest highlights gaps in brands’ social media coverage

Pinterest, one of the fastest growing social media websites, is grabbing headlines internationally. Yet while some major brands are taking advantage of the opportunity to engage with consumers through this image-led site, there are some notable exceptions.

08 March 2012

TWITTER mark held to have ‘impressive’ reputation

In <i>Twitter Inc v HOL Holdings Pty Ltd</i>, the Australian Trademark Office has confirmed that an opposition to an application for a trademark will likely succeed where a similar unregistered trademark has acquired a significant reputation in Australia, even though the unregistered mark has been used for goods or services that are dissimilar to those for which the application is seeking registration.

30 January 2012

Online protest spreads to Europe as countries sign up to ACTA (updated)

Last week, the power of online protest was demonstrated when PROTECT IP and SOPA seemingly stalled in the US legislature following the high-profile closure of websites which objected to the planned acts. Online action has now reached Europe, with the Polish government under attack over its intention to sign ACTA. Despite the protests, the signing went ahead today as planned.

26 January 2012

Wikipedia to shut up shop in protest against online piracy legislation (updated)

Last week <i>WTR</i> reported on the three pieces of legislation currently under consideration for tackling online piracy – the OPEN Act, the PROTECT IP Act and SOPA. The debate’s profile has now moved to a new level, with a number of popular websites shutting up shop for a day in protest at the latter two proposals.

17 January 2012

US scores piracy victory in Spain, domestic picture gets ever more complex

While the United States have reportedly played an active role in the passage of Spain’s new anti-piracy legislation, the picture on the domestic front has got even more complicated, with the OPEN Act joining PROTECT-IP and SOPA on the legislative agenda.

13 January 2012

Google and MPAA lock horns in combative SOPA hearing

The House Judiciary Committee held a lively legislative hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act yesterday, with testimony from Google and the Motion Picture Association of America illustrating the wide gap in opinions towards the legislation.

17 November 2011

Brands take notice as YouTube challenges TV

YouTube has announced plans to launch 100 professional content channels, offering hundreds of hours of original programming each week. The move creates an opportunity for brands to extend their advertising reach, but will also require vigilance over the way trademarks are used.

08 November 2011

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