Organisation: US Department of Justice

Brand owners need to be "credible” partners or efforts to target illicit funds could stall

At this week’s International Law Enforcement Intellectual Property Crime Conference in London, discussion focused on how to take down the ability of counterfeiters to profit from the sale of illicit goods. One tactic is collaboration with the payment processing industry, in a bid to choke off access to funds. However, brand owners were warned that they need to be credible partners and not seek to game the system for competitive edge.

21 September 2016

Users call for urgent action as solicitation scammers step up efforts

This weekend we were alerted to a new trademark solicitation letter, the latest in a series of campaigns that seek to dupe users into paying for trademark services on the mistaken assumption that they are paying required fees to the USPTO. Faced with a seemingly endless wave of such scams, users have told us that they want more to be done to fight this scourge.

04 July 2016

First app piracy charges announced as infringement levels set to leap

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has charged four individuals for their alleged roles in piracy groups engaged in the illegal distribution of copies of copyrighted Android mobile device applications, the first time it has charged members of a mobile device app piracy group. It is positive that the DOJ is alive to potential infringement in this arena, but the problem is not a new one and the sheer scope of app infringement is set to rocket.

27 January 2014

ICE seizes domain names and money associated with online sale of fake goods

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has seized 10 domain names, as well as over $2.4 million associated with the online sale of counterfeit sportswear. An investigation by federal law enforcement agents had revealed that several Chinese individuals whose domain names had been seized in a November 2010 ‘In Our Sites’ operation were continuing to sell counterfeit goods using new domain names.

07 June 2012

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