Organisation: US Food and Drug Administration

The race for a covid-19 vaccine: a brand opportunity and risk for the entire pharmaceutical sector

The big news from Pfizer on its covid-19 vaccine candidate has brought optimism to many this week. In our latest opinion column we consider the brand dimensions of this breakthrough – for Pfizer and the wider pharmaceutical industry. 

11 November 2020

Confusing CBD: post-legalisation trademark strategies for food and beverage marks

In this guest piece, Andrea Anderson and Lee Gray offer insight into how the USPTO may approach examination of CBD marks once legal prohibitions are lifted.

07 May 2020

CBD-infused food and beverages: in the crosshairs for a food labelling class action?

With the regulatory gap in food and beverage labelling yet to be bridged, the legal landscape for manufacturers looking to enter the hemp-based cannabidiol market remains murky.

29 July 2019

Sage Therapeutics steers a steady course for pharmaceutical marks in Boston

We take a closer look at the inaugural winners of the WTR Industry Award for Local Team of the Year, Cambirdge-based Sage Therapeutics and how it is winning plaudits for innovative marketing and branding work.

26 June 2019

Why CBD-infused food and beverages could be ripe for a labelling class action

Despite the rise in hemp-based cannabidiol food and beverage products, manufacturers looking to enter the market face a number of stumbling blocks when it comes to labelling. Identifying these in advance will be key to avoid marketing that may be interpreted as misleading or false advertising.

13 June 2019

Into the grey: fighting unauthorised imports

The grey market is a worldwide phenomenon. While trademark law offers remedies, there need to be material differences between grey-market and authorised goods – which is not always the case.

13 December 2018

Big changes in the pharmaceutical sector as leading brands flourish

A deep dive into key data about the pharmaceuticals sector suggests that over-regulation and availability of skills and technology remain key challenges; while the leading brands continue to rise in value, most are still filing in single classes only

01 January 2018

Big changes in the pharmaceutical sector as leading brands flourish: exclusive data analysis

In this week’s data report, we turn the spotlight on the sprawling pharmaceutical sector. We look at how the sector is being affected by political pressures, and identify the developments that are driving change.

24 November 2017

Grey market Abbott goods deemed infringing

The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has affirmed the District Court for the Eastern District of New York’s grant of a preliminary injunction to cease the sale of international versions of Abbott Laboratories’ diabetes test strips in the United States, on the grounds that differences between the two strips made it likely that Abbott’s reputation and goodwill would be irreparably harmed. The decision marks a victory for grey market enforcement.

05 January 2017

Cannabis marks in jeopardy – is your industry next?

Nearly 600 applications for ‘cannabis’ marks languish before the US Patent and Trademark Office, yet its patent arm happily grants protection for inventions which use the drug. Where does this disconnect come from and could other industries be vulnerable?

01 January 2017

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