Organisation: Wikipedia

Volkswagen partly successful in VOLTWAGEN opposition

The decision emphasises once again that the requirements for proof of use of an EU trademark are very high.

11 March 2024

Sanofi’s collegiate approach to combatting genericism  

Representatives from global healthcare company Sanofi speak to WTR about their recent efforts to protect the company's NANOBODY trademark from genericism. 

05 February 2024

Is there a data drought? AI projects might be about to get more expensive

In his latest column, academic Cameron Shackell looks at how recent developments around data limitations at Twitter and Reddit could impact AI, including in the trademark and brand protection sphere.

10 July 2023

Non-invasive mindreading looks possible thanks to AI; is trademark evidence hopelessly behind?

In his latest column, AI expert Cameron Shackell considers recent developments in AI and neuroscience, and the major implications for the trademark industry.

31 May 2023

Combatting genericisation through civil action in China

Steve Zhao and Lily Dong of GEN Law Firm highlight the strategies and legal remedies available to brand owners seeking to prevent the genericisation of their trademarks in China, including an innovative approach demonstrated in two recent milestone cases.

11 May 2023

Copyright terms and trademark rights: a practitioner’s guide to the US public domain

In this guest analysis, Coates IP partners Allisen Rae Pawlenty and Stephen Jadie Coates navigate the limits of the US public domain and derivative works, offering practical advice to IP practitioners. 

04 May 2023

McDonald’s v Supermac’s: Return of the (Big) Mac

The case highlights the importance of supplying sufficient and suitable evidence when defending a mark against a non-use revocation action before the EUIPO - even one as well known as BIG MAC.

02 February 2023

McDonald’s finally proves BIG MAC use, but what can brands learn from this long-running saga?

McDonald’s has won its second attempt to prove BIG MAC use before the EUIPO, but other brands should learn from its mistakes.

25 January 2023

UDRP panels should not “plug the information gap”

The decision provides a useful reminder to parent/holding companies intending to file a UDRP complaint based on a subsidiary’s trademark rights.

12 October 2022

IP community urges UDRP review caution, European Commission seeks extension to GIs

IP and business community voices urged ICANN to take a cautious and “expert driven” approach should a review take place.

20 April 2022

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