Organisation: WIPO

Not all domain name disputes are covered by the UDRP

The case serves as a reminder that the UDRP is not intended to resolve any and all disputes relating to domain names, such as the legality of disputed transfers.

22 May 2024

Don’t forget to renew your domain names

The case shows that the UDRP may be of no assistance to brand owners whose domain names are inadvertently allowed to lapse.

15 May 2024

Can a letter of consent guarantee successful trademark registration in Japan?

The JPO has announced that, in addition to a consent letter, applicants must provide evidence that there is no likelihood of confusion between the earlier mark and the mark applied for - both at present and in the future.

09 May 2024

Qatar joins Madrid; George Carlin estate settles dispute; PIPCU targets streamers – news digest

In our latest round-up, we look at the adidas v Thom Browne three-stripes decision being affirmed, a report finding that brands should “forget about politics”, and much more.

07 May 2024

MakeMyDenial: case found to fall outside UDRP’s scope

The case serves as a reminder that the UDRP is essentially intended for cybersquatting cases, and not suited to an in-depth examination of a party’s motives.

07 May 2024

Ducati, video games and diversification in IP: WIPO report explores the drivers of innovation

New research highlights how intellectual property can be used to drive economic growth.

02 May 2024

Foreign brands should not be put off by slow progress at Myanmar IP department

Foreign brand owners can take encouragement from slow but steady developments at the Myanmar IP department over the past year, local practitioners suggest.

25 April 2024

Panel gives respondent the benefit of the doubt in UDRP case

Waiting for an extended period before filing a complaint is likely to pose challenges for both parties, but in particular the complainant.

22 April 2024

Window dressing: WIPO accuses social media of not delivering on anti-counterfeiting policies

Featured in WTR Special Report Q1 2024: The future of brand protection on social media

18 April 2024

UDRP decision highlights complexity in assessing bad-faith registration

While earlier decisions demonstrating a respondent’s previous bad faith can be persuasive, proof of targeting upon registration of the domain name at issue is still crucial.

16 April 2024

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