Organisation: Wyeth

Why brand owners should celebrate the China Supreme Court’s 2023 Interpretation of Trademark Criminal Cases

New interpretations show that criminal amendments are not just lip service, they are being taken seriously by the authorities.  

01 February 2023

Onto the balance sheet: the most valuable brand acquisitions since 2000

Featured in Special Report 2021 Q3: Managing the brand balance sheet

Christof Binder, managing partner of Trademark Comparables AG, Markables, runs through the 50 most expensive brands and brand portfolios acquired over the past two decades, and the trends that they reveal.

30 September 2021

Amount of damages getting higher in Chinese trademark cases

China has long been criticised for the low amounts of compensation awarded in trademark infringement cases. However, large amounts of damages - including punitive damages - have recently been awarded in cases involving well-known brands.

10 February 2021

Revocations and damages: the 2020 China decisions shaping trademark practice

Continuing our two-part overview of key decisions in China in 2020, we explore decisions on revocations for non-use and those illustrating the raising level of financial compensation awarded by the courts.

08 February 2021

Massive British American Tobacco deal sets new record and demonstrates the potent power of brands

British American Tobacco's acquisition of Reynolds American is the highest ever recorded brand acquisition, and highlights the critical commercial importance of the work undertaken by trademark practitioners.

04 April 2018

Shadow company loses passing-off case and pays the price

In <i>Wyeth LLC v Wyeth (China) Limited</i>, a Hong Kong court has found that the defendant intended to pass off the plaintiff's goodwill in the WYETH marks (in English and Chinese). Interestingly, the defendant rejected the plaintiff's sanctioned offers to settle the case and was ordered to pay the plaintiff's legal costs on an indemnity basis and additional interest.

17 May 2012

Portfolio streamlining: The Pfizer way

With budgetary constraints still a reality for many trademark teams, the manager of Pfizer’s IP Global Services has provided an insight into how one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies handles a portfolio of 65,000 international trademarks.

16 April 2012

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