Organisation: YouTube

Trademark-free marketing: should other companies follow Ford’s example?

Ford’s blue oval logo is one of the most recognisable trademarks in the world. But a new advertising campaign from the Dearborn-based company seemingly lacks any explicit reference to the brand at all, with the iconic logo and product names absent altogether. Though counsel may feel uneasy that trademarks are not being used, ‘brandless’ marketing could have benefits if certain steps are taken.

17 May 2012

Decision could shake up non-use cancellation actions

A Turkish court has given useful guidance to trademark owners who are facing, or may face, a trademark cancellation action on the grounds of non-use. The court found that the broadcasting of services via the internet or satellite is sufficient to constitute ‘use’ of a trademark under the Turkish Trademark Decree Law, even if the trademark owner has no local presence and is not directly using its trademark in Turkey.

31 January 2012

Brands take notice as YouTube challenges TV

YouTube has announced plans to launch 100 professional content channels, offering hundreds of hours of original programming each week. The move creates an opportunity for brands to extend their advertising reach, but will also require vigilance over the way trademarks are used.

08 November 2011

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