WTR 37

WTR 37

WTR 37

Inside Track: Estée Lauder and INTA

Gregg Marrazzo, president of INTA and senior vice president and deputy general counsel at The Estée Lauder Companies, reveals how he tackles the challenges of overseeing a multi-brand portfolio



Recovery time – the impact of economic conditions on trademark practice

Since its launch in 2009, the Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey has revealed the brutal effects of the global economic downturn for trademark teams and counsel. This year, there are tentative signs of a rebound. But is all as it seems?

Weathering the storm – assessing the resilience of the franchise model

In 2009, WTR presented an assessment of the franchise model and predictions of how it would fare during the recession. Three years on, the authors revisit the market, consider ing how their predictions fared and what has been learnt about the franchising business

Getting yourself known in Singapore

During 2011 a number of cases shed light on the interpretation and scope of the statutory protection scheme for well-known marks in Singapore

How brands can leverage intangible asset value

Technology brands dominate the top 10 list of the world’s most valuable brands, and offer some unique insights into how trademarks and brands can be used to increase corporate value

A question of character – best practice in managing mascots

Mascots offer a unique opportunity to create a brandpersonality. They also require a close relationship withthe marketing department, as well as a careful approach to trademark law

Industry Awards 2012

This year’s shortlist for the WTR Industry Awards spansthe whole spectrum of trademark-related activity. Thechief quality that nominees share is the ability to predict and react to the latest industry challenges

A matter of principles

It was a busy year in the South African courts, with a number of decisions worth noting for their case law contribution

A question of faith – the difficulties facing international brand owners in China

A number of trademark decisions were issued in 2011,illustrating the difficulties in dealing with bad-faith trademark filings

Gaining consensus on comparative advertising in Brazil

Decisions issued in 2011 indicate that the Brazilian judiciary tends to accept comparative advertising as a way of ensuring free competition for all market players, provided that certain conditions are met

Market focus: United States

The second edition of the WTR 1000 builds on the success of the first, identifying the world’s leading trademark legal services providers. In the first of a regular column, the research team identifies key regional trends and presents a selection of the rankings available in the publication

Defining the European trademark landscape

Last year was a busy one for the Court of Justice of theEuropean Union, with online intermediary liability, the use of advertising keywords and the role of customs authorities in relation to counterfeit goods in transit high on its trademark agenda

Trademark issues in product placement deals: your must-have clauses

Television, film and online programme producers are offering increased opportunities to position products in their content. However, the practice of product placement is not without legal risk, requiring careful contractual drafting

Keywords are always in fashion

Issues surrounding the use of trademarks online featured prominently in 2011’s US case law

Proliferation of trademarks – good, bad or just plain inevitable?

While trademark counsel are finding it increasingly hard to clear new product names, the challenge will only grow as marketers seek to create new brands, at new tier levels and in new categories, to meet consumers’ desire for choice

Canadian Supreme Court clarifies factors for assessing likelihood of confusion

On May 26 2011 the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Masterpiece Inc v Alavida Lifestyles Inc (2011 SCC 27) and, in so doing, clarified important legal principles concerning the interrelationship in Canada between common law trademark rights and those rights which flow from registration. Prior to this decision, very little jurisprudence had dealt with the differences, overlaps andinterrelationships between rights flowing from registration and those existing at common law through use.

What do Columbus, the Americas and new gTLDs have in common?

As WTR went to press, ICANN had not yet revealed the list of first-round generic top-level domain applications. However, with the window now closed, it is useful to look back at the application process, costs and driving factors – as well as the objections and dispute resolution processes in place for nonapplicants, and the defensive strategies available


A sound decision

Could Canada’s sound decision lead to a new approach on non-traditional marks? The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has long struggled with concepts related to registrations for non-traditional trademarks.

Tune in for the iPad season

The dispute between Apple and Proview over the IPAD mark was ongoing as WTR went to press. However, it offers some important learnings for brand owners.

Looking at infringement with fresh eyes

When poking fun at a rival becomes infringement – lessons from the Specsavers/Asda dispute

Country correspondent

Domain name management

Important changes to ‘.ca’ dispute resolution policy make it more accessible to trademark owners

Domain name management

In the ever-expanding online world, brand owners need to be ready to fight infringement at the top and second levels

Domain name management

With the advent of new gTLDS, brand owners need to create a multi-faceted domain name management strategy

Domain name management

The United Kingdom is one of the most cost-effective jurisdictions in which to deal with domain name abuses

Domain name management

A range of national domains are available in Russia, with disputes between IP owners and domain name administrators played out in the courts

Domain name management

While the Romanian Top-Level Domain Authority oversees the country’s domains, brand owners should consider whether to utilise its dispute resolution procedures or utilise other methods

Domain name management

Faced with a range of domain name variations, brand owners doing business in China need to carefully considertheir selection methodology

Domain name management

Preparing for the impact of new gTLDs on domain name management in the United States

Domain name management

In addition to a clear ‘.in’ Domain Dispute Resolution Policy, the courts have laid down some consistent guidelines for the treatment of domain name disputes

Domain name management

In creating a domain name strategy, brand owners need to ensure they are taking a national and international perspective


EU Parliament rejects ACTA referral; commission pushes on

With a number of EU countries reviewing their position on the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the act is to be referred to the ECJ to assess whether it is compatible with the European Union’s fundamental rights and freedoms.

Acceptance of sound marks paves way for other non-traditional marks

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) hasannounced that it is now accepting applications to register sound marks. With a consultation period on the country’s Trademark Regulations ending on April 23, there could soon be further changes to the treatment of non-traditional marks.

US study identifies economic importance of trademarks

The US Department of Commerce has issued a reportidentifying the sectors that generate intellectual propertyand the impact of those sectors on the US economy. At a time when the debate over IP rights rages on, the study sheds light on the contribution of intellectual property to economic performance – with trademarks playing a central role.

Global view

For regular jurisdictional updates, see WTR Daily. Delivered straight to your inbox, WTR’s regular email news service provides legal updates, industry analysis and the editor’s pick of the best trademark content from around the globe

Near monopoly for BOTOX mark?

In Helena Rubinstein SNC v OHIM (Case C-100/11 P),Advocate General Mengozzi has confirmed the General Court’s finding that the marks BOTOLIST and BOTOCYL would take advantage of the distinctiveness and reputationof the earlier BOTOX marks.

ECJ clarifies relevance of ‘intention’ in designs decision

In Celaya Emparanza y Galdos Internacional SA v Proyectos Integrales de Balizamiento SL (Case C- 488/10), a reference for a preliminary ruling by a Spanishcourt, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) hasclarified the scope and effect of Article 19(1) of the CommunityDesign Regulation (6/2002) incourt proceedings brought by theholder of a registeredCommunity design (RCD) againstthe holder of a later RCD.

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