Work Area: Trademark law

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India: Practical application of legislation to enhance dispute resolution efficiency

Featured in The Trademark Prosecution Review 2025

As India continues to evolve as a major player on the global IP stage, it is essential for rights holders to understand the criteria for registration. New IP divisions at the Delhi and Madras High Courts aim to improve the efficiency of trademark prosecution and enforcement, aided by the robust framework of the Trademarks Act. 

06 September 2024

China: Navigating non-use cancellations before the CNIPA

Featured in The Trademark Prosecution Review 2025

After a surge in non-use cancellation reviews, rights holders should be aware of the legal nuances to avoid potential pitfalls. A deep dive into the CNIPA’s regulations and recent cases sheds light on the development of non-use processes in China, particularly when it comes to OEM practices and trademarks on gifts.

06 September 2024

NO FAKES introduced; ASEAN design law treaty; El Salvador’s new IP law – legislation and policy watch (August 2024)

WTR’s monthly column tracks trademark and related policy developments, including the progress of major bills, from around the world.

02 September 2024

Group Lotus loses trademark appeal against Motus Group

The decision highlights that a lack of conceptual similarity can counterbalance visual and aural similarities between the signs; meanwhile, mere lack of attention in a post-sale environment does not give rise to post-sale confusion.

28 August 2024

Argentina updates opposition procedure; Swissreg modernised; PRH revamps trademark services – IP office updates

In our latest update, we look at WIPO's Daren Tang visiting IP Australia, Brazil's INPI securing an injunction against a spoof website, and more.

21 August 2024

New Delhi High Court sides with Lacoste; INTA partners with FTC; journalists sue Anthropic – news digest

In our latest round-up, we look at a TikTok authentication partner expanding into sneakers, counterfeit Apple and Samsung products being seized in Canada, and more

20 August 2024

Key infringement cases highlight Chinese courts’ approaches to damages

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

The past year has seen several high damages awards cases in China, and the courts are applying different methods to calculate amounts. As approaches differ across the country, it is crucial for rights holders to understand current judicial practices, which ultimately demonstrate a stronger focus on deterring infringers. 

20 August 2024

What brand owners need to know before taking legal action in China

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

There are two enforcement avenues in China when a trademark has been infringed: filing a complaint before the Market Supervision Administration and litigating before the courts. When deciding which route to take, brand owners must consider specific aspects of the legal framework. 

20 August 2024

Japan: Ensuring success under the trademark enforcement framework

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

A deep dive into litigation proceedings, available defences and damages reveals the need-to-knows for companies considering enforcement in Japan. April 2024 reforms to Japan’s Trademark Act now make it possible to confiscate counterfeit goods as trademark-infringing goods, even if they are imported for personal use.

20 August 2024

Opposition trends in China reveal CNIPA crackdown on trademark squatting

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

The CNIPA is zeroing in on protecting prior rights in opposition proceedings, and recent practices indicate that the administration is increasingly relying on catch-all provisions to curb bad-faith filings. Rights holders must be aware of these emerging trends in order to bolster their chances of success in opposition proceedings.

20 August 2024

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