Sector: Consumer Goods

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Japan dismisses David Chandler’s opposition against CHANDLER and CHANDLER BATS 

USPTO rejection of US applications is insufficient evidence to establish a high degree of popularity and reputation of CHANDLER, rules the Japan Patent Office. 

27 August 2024

JPO rejects Apple opposition against quarter-cut apple mark

The Japan Patent Office has found a low degree of similarity between Apple’s logo and a device mark representing a quarter-cut apple.

20 August 2024

Cobra Golf registers MIM after JPO Appeal Board finds museum logo's figurative element dissimilar

The Japan Patent Office Appeal Board has found dissimilarity between Cobra Golf’s MIM mark and the MIZKAN MUSEUM composite mark. 

12 August 2024

How to navigate substantive change and bad faith when it comes to refurbished goods in China

With no fixed guidance in judicial practice, what constitutes substantive change on a refurbished product can be difficult to define. However, analysis of jurisprudence in previous cases sheds light on how rights holders can avoid potential pitfalls when it comes to proving bad faith. 

08 August 2024

IPEC rules in favour of AGA finding legitimate reason preventing application of exhaustion of rights defence

The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court has provided useful guidance on the exceptions to the exhaustion of rights defence, in a dispute over the sale of “retrofitted” AGA cookers.

02 August 2024

How to draw a firm line between refurbishment and infringement in China

Products that are refurbished without authorisation can be a problem for rights holders looking to safeguard their brand image. It is therefore crucial to understand what constitutes infringement when it comes to refurbished goods.

01 August 2024

Nike will need to “cool” off after a recent Third Circuit ruling

The US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has held Nike liable for trademark infringement over the use of Lontex’s COOL COMPRESSION trademark in its apparel line descriptions. Under plenary review and abuse of discretion, the Third Circuit reviewed the lower court’s decision on whether a jury could find infringement.

31 July 2024

Cracking down on counterfeits: LEGO conducts major raid in Trujillo City

LEGO has sent a strong message to infringers by conducting a significant enforcement effort against two commercial establishments operating under the business name LE60 in Trujillo City, Peru.

29 July 2024

Japan rejects Google opposition against FITBEING 

The Japan Patent Office rejected Google’s opposition against FITBEING due to a lack of similarity and likelihood of confusion with FITBIT.

26 July 2024

Australia awards A$250,000 in additional damages to Vitaco Health 

Despite prior reluctance to award significant sums for additional damages, the Federal Court of Australia has awarded A$250,000 to deter infringement.

26 July 2024

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