WTR 45

WTR 45

WTR 45

Nike: the brand of champions

Nike has won global fame not only for its iconic
product lines and sponsorship deals with some of the
world’s biggest – and sometimes baddest – sporting
heroes, but also for its clever, controversial ad
campaigns and alternative branding strategies. Senior
trademark counsel Jaime Lemons reveals how she and
her colleagues navigate these issues, and more, for the
world’s leading sportswear brand

Sara-Jayne Clover


OHIM users have their say on a year of change in European trademarks

As part of our annual OHIM focus, WTR polled theoffice’s top filers to gauge their perception of itsperformance and address some of the most pressingissues in the European trademark industry – andasked OHIM to provide an update on its activities

Time to make your brand protection strategy more social in Indonesia

It is estimated that approximately 96% ofIndonesians use social media, a rate higher thanany other country in the world. As well as offeringan important communication tool for brands, thisnecessitates a tailored social media plan to protectinga brand’s intellectual property, goodwill andreputation in the country

Observations from the Observatory

Paul Maier, director of the EU Observatory onInfringements of Intellectual Property Rights (OHIM),reflects on the first year of the Observatory, andoutlines the initiatives currently being undertakento support users

Grand designs for trademark counsel

Industrial design protection is progressively beingviewed as a core component of IP strategy for manyconsumer-facing businesses. Trademark counsel havea golden opportunity to add corporate value by takingthe initiative on design rights

Two years of progress in mediation

TM Margellos, coordinator of the OHIM mediationteam, presents an update on the office’s mediationservice, launched two years ago

The top 10 enforcement trends against luxury fakes in China

In China, an effective anti-counterfeiting strategydemands much more than enforcement of the law.It is therefore crucial for luxury brands to trackenforcement trends and evolve their strategiesaccordingly

Measuring the boundaries of protection

In efforts to secure protection for their threedimensionaland colour trademarks, are trademarkcounsel pushing the boundaries of trademarkprotection?

Doing business in India: the dos and don’ts for brands

India’s accession to the Madrid Protocol is the latestdevelopment to focus brands’ attention on thecommercial opportunities in the market. However, anumber of critical trademark issues are involved inselling or acquiring brands, investing in companiesand entering into licence arrangements in India

Are the indications good?

Considering the most recent decisions, it seems thatselection of a geographical mark should be based notonly on the current position, but with one eye firmlyon the future

Creating a robust anti-counterfeiting strategy for Latin America

When creating an anti-counterfeiting programmefor the region, factors such as the legal system,the political, economic and social environmentand the infringer’s modus operandi are importantconsiderations

Standing ground: an analysis of territoriality in US trademark law

Recent decisions have contributed to a shift in thetreatment of territoriality in US trademark law,with US courts increasingly focusing on whetherforeign infringing activities have left a ‘dent’ in theUnited States

Country correspondent

Enforcement and litigation

Trademark owners enforcing their rights in Turkey should consider the following tips when formulatingtheir strategy

Enforcement and litigation

A number of options are available to brand owners seeking to enforce their rights in Canada

Enforcement and litigation

It seems that everyone is talking about trademarks in China. Far and away the most common questioncontinues to be: is it really possible to enforce trademarks in China?

Enforcement and litigation

A number of factors have to be considered when creating an anti-counterfeiting strategy – but the law isthere to help

Enforcement and litigation

The Polish legal system offers different tools to protect IP rights – the key is striking the right balancebetween prevention and speedy responses to infringement

Enforcement and litigation

The extraterritorial reach of the Lanham Act is a viable option against foreign infringers, with circuit courtsshowing a trend towards broadening the scope of application

Enforcement and litigation

Analysis of recent cases illustrate the effectiveness of the Italian system in the protection of designs, bothregistered and unregistered

Enforcement and litigation

Working with law enforcement authorities and courts in India can be challenging, but by adopting the rightapproach, clear results can be achieved

Enforcement and litigation

Enforcement of trademark rights online remains a challenge and advertisers would be well advised toobserve the limits established on the use of keywords by Germany’s Federal Court of Justice

Enforcement and litigation

Despite the limitations of provisional measures in Mexico, when correctly planned and executed they canprove an adequate tool to enforce IP rights

Enforcement and litigation

Trademark rights can be enforced through prosecution or judicial proceedings, leaving rights owners witha number of options to consider

Enforcement and litigation

The establishment of a specialised IP court has the potential to improve significantly both the quality ofdecisions and the way that cases are handled on a practical level

Enforcement and litigation

The enforcement options for trademark owners are constantly evolving. When considering approaches tothe resolution of a particular problem, rights holders should balance a number of considerations


Clash between governments and mark owners at Durban meeting

The fracture between theGovernment AdvisoryCommittee (GAC) andtrademark owners overgeographic terms was apparentduring ICANN’s Durbanmeeting in July.

Global View

For regular jurisdictional updates, see WTR Daily. Delivered straight to your inbox, WTR’s regular email news serviceprovides legal updates, industry analysis and the editor’s pick of the best trademark content from around the globe

ECJ rules on genuine use and relevance of colour

In Specsavers InternationalHealthcare v Asda Stores Ltd(Case C-252/12), the EuropeanCourt of Justice (ECJ) has heldthat colour is relevant tothe global assessment of thelikelihood of confusion andunfair advantage.

Cadbury prevents registration of Nestlé’s Kit Kat shape mark

The UK Intellectual PropertyOffice (IPO) has rejectedSociété des Produits Nestlé SA’sapplication for the registrationof a three-dimensional (3D)shape mark representingits Kit Kat chocolate waferproduct, except in relationto cakes and pastries (CaseO-237-13).

ECJ: OHIM has discretion to take into account additional evidence of use

In New Yorker SHK Jeans vOffice for Harmonisation in theInternal Market (OHIM) (CaseC-621/11 P), the European Courtof Justice (ECJ) has held thatOHIM was entitled to take intoaccount additional evidence ofuse filed by the opponent afterthe original deadline for filingproof of use had expired.

Further gTLD delays proposed as study reveals ‘risk to Internet’

Following the release of astudy that considers the risk ofcollision between applied-fornew generic top-level domain(gTLD) strings and non-delegatedTLDs, the Internet Corporationfor Assigned Names andNumbers (ICANN) has proposeda series of mitigation measures.

Latest Trademark Law amendments double maximum statutory compensation

The proposed third amendmentsto China’s Trademark Lawhave undergone a secondreading during the thirdsession of the 12th NationalPeople’s Congress StandingCommittee. Although the draftamendments were not madeavailable to the public, detailswere posted on the NationalPeople’s Congress website.


Renewing efforts to establish trademark opposition proceedings in Mexico

While Mexico is not bound to introduceopposition proceedings as a result ofaccession to the Madrid System, movesare afoot that should result in substantivereform to the Industrial Property Law bythe end of the year

The impact of the High Court ruling in Interflora v M&S

Interflora is good news, in terms ofAdWord strategy and enforcement, forowners of major reputable brands andparticularly those with a history ofco-branding with other businesses

Group buying sites: a trademark perspective

Group buying sites are soaring inpopularity, but what liabilities do suchsites bear if the products on sale infringetrademark rights?

Safety in numbers – working together to build respect for IP

Rights holders have critical roles to playin establishing an environment that isrespectful of intellectual property, as closepublic-private collaboration is essential

Market Focus: Latin America

Latin America has experiencedtremendous economic development inthe past decade, bringing about a markedacceleration in trademark-related activitythroughout the region. Choosing the rightlegal partner, however, remains key

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