WTR 64

WTR 64

WTR 64

Preparing for the unexpected

Trademark counsel have a key role to play when it comes to planning for the worst – whether by seeking to offset the risk of litigation costs through IP insurance, to safeguard critical operations when the unexpected occurs or to protect brand reputation during crisis response scenarios



Reducing your premium

When seeking IP insurance cover, rights holders can take a number of steps to reduce the cost of their premiums

The dominant feature test: not so Lucky after all

Recent decisions involving the application of established trademark principles in infringement and opposition proceedings in South Africa are proving a cause of some concern

Trademark and passing-off litigation in sub-Saharan Africa

The rise in numbers of trademark cases is good news for brand owners operating in sub-Saharan Africa and should help to develop a robust body of case law for this area

A two-pronged approach to cybersecurity and incident response planning

Today the issue is not whether a law firm will suffer a cyber intrusion, but when. Therefore, the critical question for every law firm is how well it will respond when the inevitable happens

Factors driving forum shopping in trademark disputes: an EU perspective

Various factors influence the choice of an effective enforcement strategy. However, deciding on the wrong venue can result in delays and unnecessary costs

Going public Down Under

Australia has been at the forefront when it comes to alternative business models in the legal services market. As IP practices get in on the act, big changes could be on the cards for counsel and clients

Revving up your reputation

In the new social media landscape, corporations are more susceptible than ever to external attacks. What can brand managers do to avoid long-term reputational damage and restore value quickly in the event of a crisis?

Looking ahead: the EU certification mark and what it means for rights holders

October 2017 will see the introduction of EU certification marks. The launch of this new right will require careful planning and will have a significant impact on existing trademark practice

Is China still the Wild West?

To many western rights holders, China remains a mysterious market; but there is more going on than licensing associations and the media would suggest

Assessing the value of distressed brands

In assessing the value of brand-related assets, a number of fundamental steps must be taken. The picture becomes more complex depending on whether distressed or non-distressed assets are being assessed

Navigating the insurance maze

When will trademark infringement suits with typical accompanying claims trigger insurance coverage – and when do exclusions apply?

Access denied: an international perspective on ISP blocking injunctions

While the UK Court of Appeal has opened the door for broadband ISP blocking to combat trademark or copyright-infringing activities, the picture in the United States, China and Hong Kong is more complex

Preparing for the worst: a corporate perspective on trademark litigation insurance

While attorneys recognise the need to prepare for the worst potential outcomes when counselling clients and negotiating transactions, they sometimes fail to prepare for insurance management should the worst-case scenario come to pass

The trademark manual: a critical tool if deployed effectively

Even if you have a strong trademark programme in place, a regular rights audit is a fundamental requirement. However, it needs to be approached – and used – in the right way

Changing the game: the emerging business models shaping the trademark industry

In an age of tightened client purse strings and rapidly developing technology, the IP legal landscape is on the brink of an innovation revolution. While traditional business and pricing structures still prevail, many new models are shaking up the market – and some of them could represent the future of the industry


Smell-alikes: Lessons from Chanel and Coty’s smell-alike victory

A Netherlands court has held that use of perfume comparison lists constitutes trademark infringement when it crosses the boundaries of comparative advertising

Searches: The cost of free: why thorough trademark searches are necessary

When it comes to trademark clearance, thorough searches are essential – but can free search tools give lawyers the functionality they need?


Trademark-related quotes, opinions and observations from around the globe


ECJ hands down long-awaited hyperlinking decision

Call for ‘dishonest persons’ sanctions to be properly implemented

EU customs applications skyrocket in 2015

Exclusive research reveals how counterfeiters’ marketing is evolving

Industry moves and mergers

Donuts unveils enhanced trademark protection offering

IANA transition goes ahead despite last-minute legal challenge

Country correspondent

Turkey: Exploring the options available to owners of popular marks

The Turkish trademark regime not only provides wider protection for well-known marks, but has also established a special registry for such marks for advance acceptance of their reputation in any conflict

China: The problem with defining ‘famous’

Well-known marks and famous marks are two distinct concepts in China – while a broader scope of protection is available for the former, famous certification is available only to marks registered by Chinese companies and citizens

European Union: Protecting well-known marks under international treaties

The lack of a common definition of ‘well-known mark’ under international treaties has led to variations in interpretation and thus protection. However, EU legislation and case law continue to evolve in this area

United States: Trademark dilution and clearance

While trademark dilution claims can be successfully asserted only by owners of famous marks, it is not always obvious which marks will qualify as famous

Mexico: Recognising the difference: three ways to obtain well-known or famous status

Well-known and famous trademarks can take advantage of additional protection in Mexico – although evidence of this status must be provided for marks to benefit

Italy: European Union and Italy in alignment over protection of well-known marks

When it comes to the protection of well-known marks, Italy – which is home to some of the most famous design and fashion brands in the world – is in line with the European Union

Canada: Judicial treatment of iconic marks

Although famous marks are not specifically protected by statutory provisions in Canada, protection is available, provided that owners can prove the mark’s fame

United Kingdom: Protecting and enforcing renowned trademarks in non-registration jurisdictions

Many companies now operate in a global marketplace and enjoy a strong international reputation for their famous brands. However, problems can arise where brands are not registered as trademarks in every country where they have a strong reputation

India: Courts step up when it comes to famous marks

Recent case law from Indian courts confirms their pragmatic approach and bodes well for the protection of well-known marks in India, even when trademarks are not registered in the country

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