WTR 72

WTR 72

WTR 72

America first... for now: how Chinese and European brands are closing the gap

Exclusive analysis reveals why major US brands are feeling the pressure of increased competition in the global marketplace – and how they can fight back.

David Haigh


Inside track: Hard Rock International

Hard Rock International is one of the world’s best-known leisure industry brands. World Trademark Review spoke to Rebecca Roby, its vice president of business affairs, about promoting seamless collaboration between legal and non-legal departments and the evolving challenges of managing Hard Rock’s IP rights around the globe.

Brazil’s static filings, bustling service sector and backlog solution

A deep dive into trademark data in Brazil suggests that despite emerging from recession, there has been little to no growth in trademark filings in the country. Meanwhile, Paraguay remains the top choice for domestic applicants and the number of applications for service marks continues to climb.

How bank brands must adapt to a new and evolving playing field

A data-driven examination of the banking sector reveals that Chinese bank brands are overtaking their US rivals, while customer focus, big data and multichannel delivery remain key trends.

Brand Strategy China – critical insights on value creation and rights protection

World-class brand creation and protection professionals convened in Shanghai for

Connecting with Customs at the factory of the world

Effective IP protection at the Chinese border is one of the most important aspects of any multinational enforcement strategy. We take a deep dive into how to shore up your defensive strategy for goods leaving the so-called ‘factory of the world’.

Has China changed? Brand owners face an evolving and uncertain legal landscape

An analysis of recent decisions illustrates an evolving desire by China’s courts to take decisive action against infringers. However, there are a number of strategies that rights holders need to implement to maximise their chances of brand protection success.

Embracing APIs: how IP offices could transform life for trademark attorneys

Following the results of the latest IP Office Innovation Ranking, technology company LawPanel explains why implementing open application programming interfaces could transform the trademark industry.

Plain crazy? Extending plain-packaging restrictions to alcohol and sugar

Following in the footsteps of tobacco regulation, momentum is building in support of plain packaging for alcoholic and high-fat, salt and sugar products. These industries should act early to head off the threat of increasing legislation.

Franchising: a global guide to brand monetisation

In the first of a two-part series, we outline the legislative framework for franchising in nine jurisdictions across Asia and South America.

An open data revolution

The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand is a quiet pioneer when it comes to handling trademark data and now it wants the rest of the world to follow suit. In this article, it explains how it can be done.

The 10 most common mistakes in trademark portfolios – and how to avoid them

Analysing more than 30 trademark portfolios of mid-size to large multinationals carrying out business in the European Union reveals a surprising number of illogical filings, errors and gaps. The resulting checklist will support effective portfolio review.

Protecting your brand in Mexico – how to avoid the unexpected

Over the past two decades, Mexico’s enforcement framework has improved immeasurably, although challenges remain. Trademark owners should consider a number of strategies in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Registries are alive with the sound of trademarks

Registrations for sound trademarks are becoming more prevalent at major IP registries around the world. We look at some of the opportunities for sound marks, as well as common challenges and how to overcome them.

IP Office Innovation Ranking 2018

In a new multi-part series, World Trademark Review identifies the IP offices leading the way in offering innovative non-core tools and services – and the registries trailing behind.

Charting a course to success in reverse confusion claims and fair-use defences

The recent Marketquest decision offers important insight into reverse confusion claims, providing a road map for using a senior user’s mark comprising descriptive terms to market a junior user’s product.


New case puts fresh spin on domain name disputes in Russia

Domain name dispute practice in Russia is still underdeveloped, with a lack of legal provisions regulating rights in this area. However, a recent case provides important insight into practices across Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

adidas case offers a valuable lesson in distinction

A key precedent set by Uruguay’s National Directorate of Industrial Property in a case involving adidas’s world-famous three-stripe mark affirms the importance of market surveys in cases of alleged lack of distinctiveness.

The road to reform in Australia

IP Australia has proposed significant changes to the national trademarks regime following a report from the Productivity Commission.


Trademark-related quotes, opinions and observations from around the globe.

EUIPO revealed as world's most innovative IP office, but other registries are catching up

In the conclusion of our four-part series, World Trademark Review unveils the full IP Office Innovation Ranking, analyses the key findings from this year's project, and looks to the future.

Spreading the message – the IP offices taking significant strides to engage with the public about trademarks

In the third part of our series tracking IP office innovation, we take a deep dive into how registries are spreading the trademark message to a wider audience.

Online trailblazers – the IP offices breaking new ground in digital services, and those falling behind

In the second of our four-part series on IP office innovation, we take a look at digital tools and services. We reveal the registries leading the way in areas including website functionality, e-filings and open data access.

Country correspondent

All thought and no action is a losing combination in China

Having a thorough knowledge of the trademark filing system is key to obtaining IP protection, but knowing what to register is only the first step to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

Choosing the right protection strategy for Russia

Prosecution strategies are dictated by the circumstances of the rights holder’s business. Nevertheless, a smart choice of trademark and thorough registration are key to protecting IP rights.

To play or not to play (the waiting game) in Canada?

With the new Canadian trademark regime on the horizon, rights holders should consider whether to wait or to implement a filing strategy before the present system becomes a thing of the past.

The importance of correctly identifying goods and services in the United States

Trademark rights are acquired through use of a mark in commerce. Applicants must correctly identify the goods and services with which their mark is intended for registration or risk refusal or cancellation.

Turkey welcomes letters of consent

Pursuant to the new Industrial Property Law, similar or identical trademarks will no longer be considered absolute grounds for refusal if applicants submit a letter of consent for use from the prior owner.

Why local counsel is key to a strong filing strategy in Mexico

Rights holders seeking trademark protection, whether on a national or international basis, should consult local counsel in order to formulate a filing strategy that holds up to Mexican customs and practice.

Top tips for trademark registration in India

India: The Trademarks Registry has implemented various changes to enhance the trademark filing system in India. An efficient registration strategy should help rights holders to reap the benefits of these updates.

Navigating the idiosyncrasies of the Italian filing system

The Italian Patent and Trademark Office has made significant steps towards improvement over the past 10 years. However, foreign rights holders should be aware of the system’s various quirks.


Global View

Industry moves and mergers

“INTA can serve as the connector”: new president on association’s expanded anti-counterfeiting role

US trademark litigation slump continues

ICANN grapples with new GDPR threat to WHOIS

Alibaba labels itself a “scapegoat” as Taobao remains on USTR’s Notorious Markets List

WIPO and ICA at odds over UDRP review

Michael Gleissner involved in 5% of all live contested UK trademark cases

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