Organisation: BMW

Esports: who are the biggest brands and where are they filing?

Data analysis reveals that individual esports games and teams have different approaches to trademark protection, with particular standout filers.

15 July 2024

European green advertising rules are good for brands

Tougher penalties and claim validation will give more weight to green ads done right, but murky guidelines leave pioneering companies guessing, argues this week’s opinion column

18 May 2024

A year in China IP enforcement: authorities release annual data 

Chinese authorities have released a series of reports providing data and notable IP cases from 2023.

16 May 2024

Microsoft could boost brand value by billions through improved ESG marketing, Brand Finance estimates

Brand Finance has released its 2024 Sustainability Perceptions Index, which estimates how much of a brand’s total brand value can be attributed to positive ESG perceptions.

05 March 2024

BMW reflects on first-of-its-kind Amazon win against counterfeiters in Spain

BMW Group’s head of trademarks reveals what other brand owners can do to leverage Amazon’s reach in their anti-counterfeiting efforts.

27 February 2024

DUMAX and DULUX - same paint, different colour?

Paint giant Akzonobel, owner of the DULUX mark, successfully asserted infringement under Section 34(1)(c) of the Trademarks Act, which protects against dilution of well-known marks.

30 January 2024

UDRP: bad faith difficult to prove for short acronyms

Evidence that the respondent was targeting the complainant’s trademark is key under the UDRP.

10 January 2024

South African trademark filings show increasing foreign interest in a region ruled by domestic companies

Trademark filing data reveals significant foreign interest and localised exports, with an unusual top filer last year.

29 November 2023

Brand enforcement in the ‘.ai’ domain space needs to be a priority

New research finds major brands exposed in the ‘.ai’ TLD space, meaning that it needs to be at the top of the domain monitoring list – before it’s too late.

11 November 2023

Why sound marks could unlock new branding opportunities for electric vehicles

A rejected Porsche mark hints to alternative trademark routes for electric vehicle brands.

18 September 2023

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