Industry: Construction & engineering

Extensive collaboration and counterfeiting vigilance define the Caterpillar trademark team’s success

Caterpillar’s deep understanding of global counterfeiting networks and a proactive approach to portfolio management have won its trademark team this year’s North America WTR Industry Award.

28 August 2024

The perils of protecting a surname such as Jindal

Section 35 of the Trademarks Act prohibited the plaintiff from interfering with the defendants’ use of their own mark, provided that such use was in good faith.

23 May 2024

General Court: Board of Appeal erred in finding that handle design lacked individual character

The court notably held that a more rounded shape generally results in a softening of the lines of the neck and grip, which has a significant effect on the overall appearance and ease of use of the handle.

01 May 2024

General Court upholds validity of registered Community design for LEGO toy brick

A design will be declared invalid, in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation 6/2002, only in the case where all of its characteristics are excluded from protection.

15 February 2024

LEGO Group triumphs using copyright to stop counterfeiters with record-breaking turnover

The LEGO Group’s legal team reveals the strategy that went into arguing its products should be protected as artistic works, in order to succeed against copycats in China.

29 January 2024

Invalidation case shows ‘bad faith’ is alive and well in New Zealand

The case demonstrates some of the risks associated with applying to register a third-party brand in the country. 

05 September 2023

TTAB rules unique building designs can acquire trade dress protection

The tribunal has highlighted the importance of proving a design’s inherent distinctiveness with concrete evidence when pursuing protected trade dress status.

06 July 2023

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