Industry: Containers & packaging

How to draw a firm line between refurbishment and infringement in China

Products that are refurbished without authorisation can be a problem for rights holders looking to safeguard their brand image. It is therefore crucial to understand what constitutes infringement when it comes to refurbished goods.

01 August 2024

IPEC ‘de-cider’ over Aldi’s lookalike packaging leaves a sour taste for brands

The IPEC dismissed Thatchers’ claims for trademark infringement and passing off, despite finding that Aldi had deliberately adopted a similar packaging.

08 February 2024

Exhaustion and relabelling: Supreme Court rules that prominent use of MySoda brand on certain labels was infringing

The Supreme Court has issued a final decision in the longstanding battle over the refilling and relabelling of SodaStream carbon dioxide bottles.

28 November 2023

Is it time for you to fight brand restrictions? A look at impacted industries and what INTA is doing

Members of INTA’s Brand Restrictions Committee chart the impact of brand restrictions on multiple product sectors, and how the association is engaging with policymakers on the issue.

16 November 2023

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