Organisation: Gojek

Online counterfeiting in Indonesia: what rights holders need to know

Featured in Online marketplace counterfeit hotspots

As part of our regular series on digital marketplaces, we head to Indonesia to examine the platforms that brand owners should be monitoring.

23 August 2024

TikTok has a chance to step up as a brand protection leader 

This week’s opinion column urges the newly merged TikTok X Tokopedia to take the lead on IP protection efforts in Indonesia.

11 May 2024

INTA Annual Meeting 2023: WTR’s unofficial guide to Singapore

Check out our local tidbits and recommendations for what to say, eat and do in the Little Red Dot while in town for the INTA Annual Meeting.

12 May 2023

Trademark strategy is an early focus of the world’s top disruptors

Analysis of this year’s disruptor list reveals that these start-ups defy the typical IP filing process.

03 July 2020

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