Organisation: State Administration for Market Regulation (China)

China: Comprehensive legislative framework underpins domestic and international IP protection

Featured in Trademark Litigation Review 2025

The courts have continued to crack down on bad-faith trademark filings, improving the quality of administrative cases and curbing malicious trademark hoarding. It is crucial for plaintiffs to collect evidence of use to support damages claims. 

20 August 2024

China: Multi-pronged approach proves best fit to tackle rise in counterfeits

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2024

China produces an estimated 80% of the world’s counterfeit products, so authorities are advocating for a ‘three-in-one’ trial reform of its IP rights system. The combination of civil and criminal litigation, investigation and ex-officio enforcement at customs should improve options for rights holders and facilitate a more comprehensive protection system. 

24 June 2024

China: Investment in protection, enforcement and courts signals growing anti-counterfeiting focus

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2023

The country continues to improve its laws and regulations, identifying optimal strategies to target online counterfeiting and offline fakery. Additionally, local and national law enforcement and courts are stepping up their efforts to bring justice to infringers.

29 September 2023

New measures in place to safeguard rights in enterprise names

Recent measures issued by the SAMR aim to safeguard the legitimate interests associated with enterprise names and ensure fair competition in the market.

28 September 2023

Draft revision to Anti-unfair Competition Law - key points highlighted

A significant number of articles relate to the emergence of new forms of unfair practices in the digital economy, while other amendments aim at strengthening the supervision of traditional unfair behaviours.

09 January 2023

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