Court: Unified Patent Court

Italy: Stronger enforcement continues to dovetail with augmented border control and harsher punishments

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2024

Over 20 specialised IP courts utilise Italy’s laws – particularly the Code of Industrial Property – to halt infringement and prosecutive infringers. Concurrently, national customs and border control efforts continue the good fight against the flow of offline fakes.

24 June 2024

Meet the IP Hall of Fame inductees of 2024 – Klaus Grabinski

As the most senior judge at Europe’s new Unified Patent Court, Klaus Grabinski has the eyes of the world’s patent profession on him. 

20 June 2024

SEP regulation plans under renewed fire as UPC appeals judge questions EUIPO’s role

This week’s Saturday opinion column reflects on discussions that took place at this week’s IPBC Europe, where the European Commission’s proposed SEP regulation – and the role that the EUIPO is being asked to play – were a hot topic.

23 March 2024

The UPC and the unitary patent

Featured in WTR and IAM Special Report Q4 2023: IP Disruptors 2024: The companies and people driving change and upending IP norms

25 January 2024

Institutional overhaulers: introduction

Featured in WTR and IAM Special Report Q4 2023: IP Disruptors 2024: The companies and people driving change and upending IP norms

25 January 2024

Italy: Stronger enforcement dovetails with augmented border control and harsher punishments

Featured in Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement: Global Guide 2023

Over 20 specialised IP courts utilise the country’s laws – particularly its Code of Industrial Property – to halt infringement and prosecutive infringers. Concurrently, national Customs and border control efforts continue the good fight against the flow of offline fakes.

29 September 2023

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