Court: US District Court for Northern District of Illinois

Cases against online infringers have revolutionised US trademark litigation

Schedule A filings surge and more active enforcers have vastly altered the trademark landscape at US federal courts.

30 August 2024

Revealed: Northern Illinois 100% more likely to grant preliminary injunctions in copyright cases than Central California 

Northern Illinois receives a disproportionately large number of preliminary and permanent injunction requests, and is far more likely to grant them than other courts.

31 May 2024

US district courts almost guaranteed to grant service by alternate means as filings surge

There has been a sharp increase in filings for service by alternative means since 2017, with high success rates that climb even higher when brought before popular judges.

29 December 2023

The most active US district court judges are more likely to grant critical motions

Popular district court judges more often make decisions that favour the plaintiff, with one having not denied a preliminary injunction since 2018.

15 December 2023

US litigation landscape: counterfeiting cases skyrocket as district court action becomes vital

Featured in WTR Special Report Q1 2023: Anti-counterfeiting strategy playbook: How to combat the growing trade in fake goods, online and offline

04 April 2023

“One of the few effective mechanisms”: academic paper was wrong to target multi-seller litigation actions

This week’s opinion gives the other side of the argument in response to claims that US litigation actions targeting multiple online counterfeit sellers exploit legal loopholes to the detriment of the system.

01 April 2023

US trademark litigation: H2 2022

Featured in Litigation landscape

US trademark disputes have increased almost 10% over the past year, the top five district courts now accounting for over half of all cases, data analysis reveals.

11 January 2023

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