Region: Europe

Denmark gets tough with squatters

Two recent instances of cybersquatting have been dealt with by Denmark's Complaints Board and the Copenhagen Maritime and Commercial Court. One of the decisions involved the trademark ROLEX.

17 July 2001

Web is big enough for more than one Leonardo

A company that promotes technology projects and is the registered ownerof the trademark LEONARDO has lost its case against a cultural association thatused 'Leonardo' in its URL.

03 July 2001

Virgin loses fight for non-distinctive domain name

A recent case before the Paris Court of Appeals involving subsidiaries of Virgin Inc illustrates the conditions that must be met to establish a case of cybersquatting.

19 June 2001

Danone loses to protest site

A recent example of cybersquatting in France involved a web site createdto denounce the social policy of Danone. The web master was not convicted forusing the company's trade name.

05 June 2001

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