IP offices and government

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The case for Canada

Canada is a G8 country with a distinctive trademarksystem and a competitive market for legal services.Throw in a long, heavily populated border with theUnited States and you have a jurisdiction that fewrights owners can afford to ignore.

15 March 2007

Inside the EU IP Enforcement Directive

Much is being made of the implementation in theEuropean Union of the IP Enforcement Directive.But what will the directive change in practice?

15 March 2007

Inside Canada’s trademarks central

Trademarks in Canada are administered by theTrademarks Branch of the Canadian IntellectualProperty Office. Current challenges include dealingwith delays in the opposition procedure and assessingthe potential benefits of signing up to several majorinternational trademark agreements.

15 March 2007

Making sense of China

Problems, recurrent and new, hindering theenforcement of rights continue to obscure the horizonfor mark owners operating in or wishing to enter theChinese market. However, positive developments arebrightening the landscape and should also beacknowledged.

15 March 2007


15 March 2007

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