Region: Peru

Guardians of the stripes: how adidas protects its brand in Latin America

WTR speaks with Roxana Segura from adidas in Chile about what makes the team so effective in its brand protection and enforcement efforts. 

29 August 2024

Cracking down on counterfeits: LEGO conducts major raid in Trujillo City

LEGO has sent a strong message to infringers by conducting a significant enforcement effort against two commercial establishments operating under the business name LE60 in Trujillo City, Peru.

29 July 2024

THOR cancellation highlights limits of non-substantial variations of use 

The Administrative Court of Appeals has cancelled a combined mark, highlighting the extent to which variations in use will continue to constitute use of the registered mark, and where variations become too substantial to maintain protection.

12 July 2024

Honda secures trade dress ruling for protection of XR series motorcycles in Peru

The Peruvian Trademark Office has reaffirmed that elements such as the arrangement and presentation of registered trademarks are protected by rules that seek to punish acts of unfair competition.

08 July 2024

Register Tracker Latin America: January-April 2024

Featured in Trademark register tracker

WTR analyses trademark filing trends at major Latin American registers. 

27 June 2024

Trademark Office reports positive results in fight against counterfeiting

The report also debunks common myths and misconceptions about counterfeiting and piracy. 

14 June 2024

Extraordinary measure implemented to revitalise economy in areas damaged by rain

Supreme Decree 029-2024-PCM introduces an unusual measure to reboot the economy following devastating floods in Peru: it reduces the fee for trademark applications by 50% in certain situations.

24 April 2024

INDECOPI issues new mandatory precedent on validity period of notoriety declarations  

In a case involving Nike’s ‘swoosh’ mark, the Administrative Court of Appeals of INDECOPI has established the period of validity of well-known trademark status. 

17 April 2024

Huge seizure of fake footwear carried out in clandestine warehouse

The action is significant as it is believed that the warehouse was one of the most important suppliers of the black market.

21 March 2024

Huge seizure of fake detergent carried out in clandestine workshop

The action is significant in that it shows that the monitoring of social media sites can be a very effective tool in the fight against counterfeits.

15 March 2024

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