Survey results: a rapidly changing IP industry; interview with new BOIP head; fake football merchandise market; and much more

Survey results: a rapidly changing IP industry; interview with new BOIP head; fake football merchandise market; and much more

Everything we covered on WTR over the past seven days, and all you need to know from the world of trademarks to set yourself up for the start of another busy week.

Long Read

The Global IP Benchmarking Survey investigates how trademark and patent professionals differ in their sentiment towards the IP industry. The results depict a rapidly changing profession, in which trademark practitioners need to adapt or risk falling behind.

Monday 19 August

New data reveals the shocking scale of the counterfeit Premier League merchandise market, forcing brands to lose out on close to a quarter-of-a-billion pounds each year.

India has a new IP court in the works, and it is the first of its kind.

We unveil the shortlist for the Global IP Awards 2024.


Tuesday 20 August

The New Delhi High Court sides with Lacoste, INTA partners with the Federal Trade Commission, journalists sue Anthropic, and more.

WTR sits down with the CEO of award-winning French start-up Navee to discuss how the AI company is working with the likes of Christian Dior and Kenzo to make online monitoring less “medieval”.


Wednesday 21 August

Argentina updates its opposition procedure, Swissreg gets an overhaul, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office revamps its trademark services, and more, in this week’s IP office updates.

A trademark attorney at Rouse offers advice on responding to refusals on relative grounds in China.


Thursday 22 August

NVIDIA’s brand value more than doubles as Apple’s exceeds half-a-trillion dollars.

The role of IP offices “will drastically change”, the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property’s new director general tells WTR. 


Friday 23 August

Canadian IP giants merge, a Blockbuster bar is forced to change its name, Starbucks is accused of trade secrets misappropriation, and more.

We head to Indonesia to examine the online platforms that brand owners should be monitoring as part of anti-counterfeiting efforts.


Saturday 24 August

WTR's own Tim Lince reflects on a recent trip to Brazil and some unexpected brand findings.

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