Trademark operations benchmarking 2018

More than a quarter of corporate trademark teams are predicting budget increases in the next 12 months. However, despite rising levels of work being outsourced to law firm partners, pessimism over the future is growing among private practice professionals.

For the past decade, World Trademark Review has carried out its annual Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey to assess how the trademark industry landscape is shifting, and identify how practice is evolving to counter new threats and exploit new opportunities.

To build an accurate picture of global trademark opinion and activity, we survey both corporate trademark professionals and private practitioners, asking them to expand on the development of their respective practices and evaluate the threats facing the brands and trademark portfolios that they protect. We also ask them to rate the services, speed and value of various enforcement, litigation and registration forums.

In total, we received over 600 responses, all of which were confidential (while they may be used in editorial, this is only ever anonymously). Via the below six analysis articles, we present the results across key categories:

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