Organisation: WIPO

IP Australia updates fees; Ukraine adopts new GI rules; Libya reopens trademark operations – IP office updates

In our latest update, we look at the USPTO's new TTAB filing functionality, the UKIPO issuing updated guidance on Civil Procedure Rules, and more.

04 September 2024

Argentina updates opposition procedure; Swissreg modernised; PRH revamps trademark services – IP office updates

In our latest update, we look at WIPO's Daren Tang visiting IP Australia, Brazil's INPI securing an injunction against a spoof website, and more.

21 August 2024

How WIPO is powering innovation ecosystems

WIPO’s head of IP commercialisation, Allison Mages, reveals recent major improvements to the organisation’s accessibility tools and services. 

08 August 2024

Protecting genetic resources and traditional knowledge is only the first step to ensuring Indigenous rights

More countries need to acknowledge the WIPO Treaty on IP, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge, as this is only the first step towards greater protection of traditional knowledge, argues this week’s Saturday opinion. 

27 July 2024

Turkish Court of Cassation issues landmark ruling on “cancellation” of WIPO panel decisions

The Turkish Court of Cassation has clarified for the first time that it is not possible to request “cancellation” of a WIPO panel’s UDRP decision.

24 July 2024

Innovation at IP Australia: spotlight on non-core tools and services

Featured in IP office tools and services

IP Australia’s deputy director of the general policy and corporate division shares the latest developments to the office's cutting-edge tools and services – and some of those planned for the future.

22 July 2024

IP treaties, EPO agreements and calls to shutter Moscow office among news from WIPO General Assemblies – IP office updates

In addition to news from this year’s WIPO General Assemblies, our latest IP office update looks at the UKIPO signing a memorandum of understanding with the Uzbek Ministry of Justice, Kazakhstan raising registration fees, and more.

17 July 2024

Complainant not on cloud nine as evidence of targeting lacking

A WIPO panel has refused to transfer the domain name ‘’ because the complainant failed to demonstrate that the respondent had registered and used the domain name in bad faith. The decision is a reminder that providing evidence of a respondent's targeting of a complainant is crucial to succeed in the UDRP proceedings.

17 July 2024

Battle of the basketball tournaments

A WIPO panel has denied the transfer of the domain name ‘’, notably given the respondent's long-standing prior bona fide use of the mark. The case serves as a reminder of the critical importance of providing evidence that a respondent is targeting a brand owner in an attempt to profit from its reputation. 

16 July 2024

Esports: who are the biggest brands and where are they filing?

Data analysis reveals that individual esports games and teams have different approaches to trademark protection, with particular standout filers.

15 July 2024

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