Sector: Consumer Goods

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Ninth Circuit: federal courts have jurisdiction to hear challenges to trademark applications

The decision serves as a warning to applicants that pending trademark applications are not shielded from scrutiny by the federal courts.

15 April 2024

Abusing IP rights to harass genuine rights holder held to constitute unfair competition

A key point in this case was that the plaintiff successfully demonstrated that the defendants’ various actions constituted a pattern of unfair competition. 

02 April 2024

Bosch to expand Origify anti-counterfeiting technology to benefit luxury and FMCG brands

As Bosch’s authentication technology looks to expand into the luxury and FMCG markets, WTR asks whether a greater uptake would make it truly game-changing in the fight against fakes.

28 March 2024

Article 19(4) and the actions of trademark agencies: insights from the ZHAI DIAN SHE case

One of the top 10 cases of 2023, as recently selected by the Beijing High People's Court, considers how trademark registrations can become tainted by the actions of trademark agencies.

26 March 2024

Huge seizure of fake detergent carried out in clandestine workshop

The action is significant in that it shows that the monitoring of social media sites can be a very effective tool in the fight against counterfeits.

15 March 2024

Furniture company successful in invalidity proceedings based on bad faith

The decision provides a thorough review of the criteria to take into account in assessing bad faith, including the applicant’s knowledge and intention at the time of applying for the contested mark.

11 March 2024

Unpicking the mass-filing strategy of the US’ most prolific trademark plaintiff

The Stündenglass brand owner’s lawsuit filing strategy has led to a huge number of settlements and permanent injunctions against alleged infringers in the United States.

08 March 2024

Full Federal Court considers use of 3D mark in dishwasher capsule dispute

The finding that use of a three-dimensional trademark was supported by a two-dimensional use is significant.

08 March 2024

HEPSIBURADA v HEPSIBURADA: General Court decision provides guidance on demonstrating bad faith

The court’s thorough review of the trademark applicant’s knowledge and intent provides a useful roadmap for demonstrating bad faith before the EU authorities.

04 March 2024

The Smiley Company offers a case study on how to raise IP awareness with a simple brand

In this week’s opinion column, CITMA vice president Kelly Saliger draws on the history of the Smiley Company to demonstrate how simple case studies can help to raise IP awareness.

02 March 2024

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