Region: Europe

EUIPO provides clarification on similarity assessment for trademarks covering virtual goods

The EUIPO Opposition Division has issued a ruling clarifying the different standard and higher evidentiary burden to be applied when assessing the likelihood of confusion between trademarks registered for real-world and virtual-world goods.

23 August 2024

Global IP benchmarking survey 2024

Featured in Community insights

In a major new project, WTR partners with sister title IAM to investigate how trademark and patent professionals differ in their sentiment towards the IP industry.

22 August 2024

The role of IP offices “will drastically change”: BOIP director general on developing a "fully inclusive" strategic plan 

The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property’s new director general discusses the organisation's new strategic plan, aligning priorities with the EUIPO, and exchanging best practices on IP awareness, ADR and AI.

22 August 2024

UK High Court rules BUILDER lacks distinctiveness in connection with software-related goods and services

The decision illustrates that when registering trademarks, especially in connection with new technologies, the question of distinctiveness should be thoroughly examined to include future industry developments.

22 August 2024

SANYTOL, SANITIX, SANITIEN are confusingly similar, General Court rules

This positive ruling for hygiene brands is a reminder that applicants must be cautious in adopting parts of registered marks, particularly if the identical part is at the beginning, as only differing the end-syllable is not a guarantee of preventing infringement.

21 August 2024

How an AI start-up is working with the likes of Dior and Kenzo to make online monitoring less “medieval”

WTR sits down with the CEO of award-winning French start-up Navee to discuss how the company is bringing together big-name brands and e-marketplaces to automate online monitoring. 

20 August 2024

Lookalike trademarks under scrutiny of Romanian IP Office

An ongoing dispute offers insight into the relevant practices of the SOIT Opposition Division in confirming that overall similarity can be found even in cases in which the central verbal elements are not identical.

20 August 2024

“Tip of the iceberg”: shocking scale of counterfeit Premier League merchandise market revealed as new season kicks off

Premier League football brands are losing out on close to a quarter-of-a-billion pounds each year, and the problem is only set to worsen, study finds.

19 August 2024

Shortlist revealed: Global IP Awards 2024

The Global IP Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of law and attorney firms in litigation, prosecution, and transactional work.

19 August 2024

AI and copyright policy under the new UK Labour government

The new government needs to commit to its position on AI and copyright while we await the outcome of Getty v Stability if it wants the country to be seen as a forum for technological advancement, argues this week’s Saturday opinion column. 

17 August 2024

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