Sector: Internet and Online

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Creating a unified front: how counsel are navigating the murky waters of social media in the US

The playing field for US brand owners has been transformed by the explosion of social media over the last decade. For the trademark professionals we spoke to as part of the current <i>WTR 1000</i> research process, it has also presented a range of challenges – not least in making sure that law firm and corporate counsel are taking a consistent approach to enforcement

22 August 2016

New association ponders ‘alternative global definition of trademark use on social media’

A new not-for-profit membership organisation, the International Social Media Association (ISMA), has been set up with the aim of harmonising laws and policies on social networks around the world. Talking to <i>World Trademark Review</i>, the ISMA’s founder reveals that significantly improving the trademark landscape on social media will be one of the association’s primary goals.

17 August 2016

A new generation of IP-aware YouTubers? Online video creators urged to embrace positives of brand protection

A couple of months ago, YouTube reached the milestone of 2,000 channels with over 1 million subscribers. Despite the commercial nature of many of those offerings, a significant number lack any trademark protection for their names or logos – although that could change, with one expert predicting that “in a couple of years you won't be able to find popular YouTubers who <i>don't</i> have a trademark”.

19 July 2016

EUIPO and Europol step up efforts against online infringement

The EU IP Office and Europol have joined forces to launch the IP Crime Coordinated Coalition, which will provide operational and technical support to law enforcement agencies. The move comes shortly after a new study revealed the diversity of business models being used by infringers online.

15 July 2016

The ‘.brand’ state of play; on the rise, but mainstream adoption still some way off

New research has shed light on the strategies being adopted by ‘.brand’ operators, with a threefold increase in the number of second-level domain names in the brand environment observed in the first half of this year. However, the prevalence of redirects and domains with no content means that search engine results listing ‘.brands’ are not following the same upward trajectory.

12 July 2016

Software & Online Services Team of the Year: Facebook

01 July 2016

In-House Team of the Decade: Google

01 July 2016

Internet & Telecommunications Team of the Year: Verizon Communications

01 July 2016

Comodo spat shows importance of effective PR around trademark strategies

An internet security company’s trademark filings for the brand name of a rival organisation has caused an uproar in the technology community. While the company has now abandoned the applications, the PR storm surrounding the initial filings – exacerbated by its CEO”s “patronising” comments on the company’s public message board – demonstrates the need for effective messaging around trademark strategies.

28 June 2016

Facebook likes trademark win but Apple falls in China

In a recent high profile case, Facebook secured a victory against a trademark squatter at the Beijing High People’s Court. This comes shortly after Apple was defeated in its iPhone trademark battle.

01 June 2016

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